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hello. Does anyone know if its true they are discontinuing the Mackie HDR24/96?, and if so any idea why?

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lorenzo gerace Wed, 03/03/2004 - 10:54


Riversedge is correct: only MDR and SDR are discontinued as the d8b has, the HDR remains in production.

As an SDR user I've been disappointed by such a move, my SDR is only 4 months old, so I got really upset when I red the new on Mackie's web site, but I guess they are going to keep supporting it and making replacements parts or service available for some time.

Anyway, they sure must've had their reasons to do it, but that move had me reconsider any possible purchases of Mackie gear, I didn't find it a customer-savvy move to abruptly discontinue a product without saying anything before, I guess I'll head toward Radikal Technologies more than Mackie for a DAW controller...

In the end digital technology moves on really fast, and we all have to deal with obsolescence, but I hope my next digital tool will last more than 4 months before getting discontinued :D :roll:


anonymous Wed, 03/03/2004 - 13:35

I Purchased my HDR at the 1999 winter NAMM
( Not Available Maybe in May ) show . True, MDR & SDR have been discontinued. The HDR has been flawless and their support has been second to none. They reciently upgraded, so you are not limited to small (32 gig ) hard drives, In view of this latest upgrade, tells me that there is still activity in the HDR arena.
