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(y) Hi, I'm really not sure, I want to create a music, that uses full orchestra, what is the best one that I can be proud to use, I meant software, and massively produce it on album store. I was reading a site, about Kontakt 4, and said that, Avatar Movie used it, and I wonder, is that great for making the Orchestra. And is Komplete 7 is like fruity loops' sound that can be saved as mp3 and is it what Avatar Movie used. (y)



AlecEinWindir Thu, 01/06/2011 - 19:44

[[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.soundson…"]Classical and Orchestral - Sounds Online[/]="http://www.soundson…"]Classical and Orchestral - Sounds Online[/]

EastWest Quantum Leap has very good orchestral libraries, aimed at high end production for movies and music artists. Although it is pretty expensive.

I use Edirol Orchestral and it serves me very well. It has a nice library, but there's not much customization that can be done with the selected instruments.