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Someone please kill me. Kill me now.
Day 7 with the flu. I haven't been this sick in years. Fever - yesterday was 102.5 ( that's 39.16 Celsius for my European and Canadian friends here), chills, blast furnace one moment, freezing my arse off the next, sore throat (but not strep), aches, dizzy, head so congested even my ears are plugged up. I'm not sure I could hear anything above 1k right now. And, weak as a kitten.
I have things I want to do! Things I need to do!
Sorry... just venting.


audiokid Fri, 09/22/2017 - 08:07

I feel for you pal!
Lots of people have it here too. This year seems particularity bad.

fwiw I stopped getting these Sept, Dec (beginning of school colds and flu's) when I started hydrating two weeks before Sept, and mid Dec Christmas, After Halloween when people get sick from all the "candy/ sugar" times.

Something about just after holidays is when all these nasty bugs hit cities. Also seasonal changes where people forget to drink water/ get rest seems to ramp up bugs which is what "they" call the "flu seasons". To me they are dehydration and sugar fest seasons.

Those who doubt me, drink tons of water before and around the flu seasons and if you are like me, you won't get sick nearly as often.

Works for me :)

KurtFoster Fri, 09/22/2017 - 09:42

me and Susie had it about a month ago. bad news is, it lasts about 2 weeks. hope you feel better soon.

DonnyThompson, post: 452918, member: 46114 wrote: Someone please kill me. Kill me now.

that made me think of a funny moment. years ago there was a guy who told me and my band mate / best friend Frank, "My dream is to die on stage", to which Frank said, "Well, come on down to the club where we are playing Saturday night and we'll kill you!

DonnyThompson Fri, 09/22/2017 - 11:48

audiokid, post: 452925, member: 1 wrote: I feel for you pal!
Lots of people have it here too. This year seems particularity bad.

fwiw I stopped getting these Sept, Dec (beginning of school colds and flu's) when I started hydrating two weeks before Sept, and mid Dec Christmas, After Halloween when people get sick from all the "candy/ sugar" times.

Something about just after holidays is when all these nasty bugs hit cities. Also seasonal changes where people forget to drink water/ get rest seems to ramp up bugs which is what "they" call the "flu seasons". To me they are dehydration and sugar fest seasons.

Those who doubt me, drink tons of water before and around the flu seasons and if you are like me, you won't get sick nearly as often.

Works for me :)

It's been ages since I've been this sick ... like maybe over 20 years ago. Flu and cold season never really affected me; can't say why, it just didn't. I know how I got it this year, though... Alicia had it a few weeks ago - she's a physical therapist in a nursing home so there's probably no real mystery of how she got it. But this bout has really whacked me hard. I'm sure it'll pass. It's just frustrating because there are things I want to be doing (mixing, tracking) but my ears are so plugged up right now it would be futile.
I'm sure I'll get better. I'd just rather it be sooner than later.

audiokid Fri, 09/22/2017 - 13:45

My wife thinks people whom have traveled a lot are exposed to so much more and because of that, they are likely to have stronger immune systems. Could be why you don't catch flu's like me.
I still attest to water water water as "my" secret weapon to my healthier luck but I'm also in a dryer climate too. Never the less, I feel for you. Definitely a bad time when you are getting so much happening right now. You'll likely not be the only one in your group who get it next... Nothing worse than a sick musician singing with sore throats, awful! And recording or mixing... forget it.

KurtFoster Fri, 09/22/2017 - 17:39

i never used to get sick but in the past 4 years i got the flu 3 times. perhaps my immune system is getting weaker or perhaps the flues are getting more virulent.

when i was a kid i almost died from a bad case of blood poisoning. docs said another hour and it would have been over. spent 5 days in the hospital getting penicillin shots every 4 hours. after that, nothing could make me sick. i had the constitution of an ox but i think my immunity to the world is weakening. sucks to get old.

dvdhawk Fri, 09/22/2017 - 18:23

Chin up, Donny! No, wait... chin down! Chin up makes you dizzy, and it takes all your strength just to hold it level. Maybe you should just lie down for a couple more days.

Hang in there, bud.

And as I asked you earlier, don't go crawling over there and getting any germs on my nice clean tracks.

DonnyThompson Sat, 09/23/2017 - 08:52

dvdhawk, post: 452959, member: 36047 wrote: Chin up, Donny! No, wait... chin down! Chin up makes you dizzy, and it takes all your strength just to hold it level. Maybe you should just lie down for a couple more days.

Hang in there, bud.

And as I asked you earlier, don't go crawling over there and getting any germs on my nice clean tracks.

Don't worry...I'm not gonna get donny germs all over your precious little tracks. ;)
I haven't even been in my mix room in a week. Well, okay, one time I was in there, on Wednesday...I thought maybe I'd have a go at it but I just sat there. Never even opened the project files. Just stared at the desktop. Left the room and went straight to bed.