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Where is he?
Is he very busy with mastering sessions all the time?

Best Regards,


anonymous Wed, 10/13/2004 - 10:31

Hello I just stumbled across this site and registered here. I was very surprised to see Doug was a mederator. I met Doug about a year ago as he is in the same area. Wow what a nice helpful guy. He actually spent about an hour with me at his place listening to stuff I had in progress. His first comment was "at least it doesn't sound like a train wreck" and then proceeded to ramble off many things to improve my mixes. Then a few months later he came to my studio to check it out and show me how he would mix one of my clients songs. All of this for no charge. All I can say is now my mixes are soooooo much better than before. I consider myself lucky to have had him help me. Yes he is very busy. I havn't talked to him in about 6 months. I don't want to bug him he's so busy. As far as I know he has been flying around the country doing mixes for a lot of people. Now if I can only get him back here for my next lesson.
Ken Horanoff
Tukar Studio

Ammitsboel Wed, 10/13/2004 - 16:43

Kurt Foster wrote: [quote=Ammitsboel]
What does it require to become a RO moderator?

You have to be asked ... It's usually a case of us selecting the moderator, not the moderator selecting us, kinda like making a judicious choice of friends.

I was about to post a comment on this... but then again it might not be worth it as it speaks for itself.

Michael Fossenkemper Wed, 10/13/2004 - 20:24

Yeah, Henrik would bring all those hot Danish chicks to our forum and then we wouldn't get any work done.

Actually, that doesn't sound too bad after all.

Not that I have any power to do this, nor the end result be binding in anyway, shape, or other legal stuff.

All in favor of Henrik being the moderator of Danish chicks on this forum say "aiy" or is it "I". whatever, just yes or no.

I vote YES for Danish chicks.

Ammitsboel Thu, 10/14/2004 - 02:11

Michael Fossenkemper wrote: Just a side note, If Henrik were to be elected moderator of Danish chicks on this forum. He duties would be to get as many of them as possible to post here.

Yeah, then I could make a round up with all the cutest ones and send them over to you!

Once you've tried a danish chick there's just no turning back!