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What's up guys--

I synced up the mpc through the pro tools beat clock via midisport 2x2. The Mbox reads the data and plays it. However even though, I have the record track enabled light lit up, there is no data on the track window. Everything is set up right and the music plays during recording, but if I play it back and turn down the volume on the MPC then pro tools plays no music back. With the setup I have the way it is, how can I get pro tools to record the data and play it back without the MPC's assistance?

Help is MUCH appreciated



anonymous Wed, 10/06/2004 - 14:53

how are you starting recording?

What keys are you pressing on the computer?

How exactly do you have it set-up?....What tracks to you have opened in PT..and how is everything routed?.....How exactly are you triggering the MPC?.....With MTC through a midi port?...if so what settings are you using?

Is there a little p in the record button on the transport window?

It sounds to me like your not recording....your just playing.......
