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I was just given a Biamp 2442 Recording Console. I am going to have to get the power supply fixed I think. I was thinking about using it as a summing mixer or for its pres since its got Direct outs on every channel. Or just selling it as is for a few bucks. Its in really good shape i mean almost zero wear even the leather hand rest is in perfect condition. It was never used as a touring board but only as an installation at a university. Im having arguments with myself about what to do with it. Its a simple console with not much in the way of routing but i dont need it for that really. It would just be for the pres and summing i think. Ive tried to attach pics to this hopefully they work.

Anyone used one of these and no how the pres sound?

I have all digital stuff right now so this old analog piece of history is tugging on my lust for some serious color in my sound.

Attached files


Boswell Thu, 12/13/2012 - 08:14

I can't find any references to that particular component, even assuming you meant "Type FP" rather than "Type PF" and allowing for the Mallory parts to have been assimilated into the Dubilier and/or Dura-Cap stock. 2500uF @35V is not a common rating these days, so I would be tempted to go for the more common 4700uF @35V or higher.

moonbaby Thu, 12/13/2012 - 08:57

Man, those Thomas-built Vox amps are an absolute ratsnest of wires and weird components. The worst ones were the Royal Guardsman "Super Reverb Twin" and the Super Beatle. I had a Royal Guardsman back in the old days, it was a repair tech's night mare with all of the signal processing (the fuzz, tremolo, reverb, MRB, etc.), the fancy footswitch unit, Watchdog Load Limiter, and more.My guitar teacher, a local blues-rock guru - laughed when he saw it. He called it the "Roayl Pain" because of the amp's reputation to break down and repair. One night at a dance, my Royal Guardsman took a dive - it started smoking from the chassis! My guitar teacher was standing by the stage and thanks to his screw-the-details-I-can-fix-any-amp-around attitude, opened up the amp, located the smoked Watchdog Load Limiter ( I like saying that!) and tore it out of the amp - this black box with half a dozen wires coming out of it was making the amp sound constipated. All of a sudden, the tone was OMG and I could be heard over the drums. This tonal Nirvana lasted about 10 minutes before the amp crashed and burned- for good..LOL!!!
Be VERY afraid...of the curse of the Thomas Vox amp!