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I'm a new member, from Sweden. Because of (some) principels and a all too real budget I'm as for now a 'one mic' fan, playing bluegrass..

Am looking for preamp, got a Behringer UB802 and am not fully satisfied, strangely! Got a ADK 51st mic and will be upgrading my preamp first.
Been listening to thelisteningsessions and got stuck at the Pheonix Audio DRS-2 and the LTA 50151.

Have heard a lot good comments about the Sebatron but haven't heard any audio. Got a budget about 8-600 dollars, only need one channel for now.

Love the old thick, warm sound, when you hear that everybody got eye conntact with each other. But still can't help wanting some modern 'air'.

The setup is a mandolin, two guitars and three bit harmony (pretty low key, not the ordinary realllly high bluegrass vocal stuff)

Got a pretty good room acousticly(a bit on the cold side), but want something extra, wanting the sound to 'jump out of the speeker' a bit more, now it's left dead deep inside. Don't like plugins or postrecording stuff(maybe a bad habbit too).

Need opinions from an acoustic/vocal at the same time and one mic kind of view!
