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What is available to me :

2 x M-Audio Solaris (main vocal mic)
2 x Oktava 012 (Cardiod, matched pair from the sound room)
2 x AKG 451, CK1
3 x AKG C518 clips
1 x AKG D5
1 x AKG C5
1 x AKG C747
1 x Sennheiser e602
3 x Shure SM57
1 x Shure Beta58
1 x Shure Beta57
1 x Shure Beta52
1 x Behringer B2
1 x Behringer ECM8000 (measurement mic)

Getting myself a good pre next month, Sebatron or a Summit. Looking for a mic that can help tame guitars and vocals (don't find the best of them around). Looking at getting myself a cascade ribbon microphone. The fathead.

Also looking at the Audix d2, loved the whoooommmmpppphhhhh! on the snare!

Kindly advise. thanks a ton!


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anonymous Thu, 05/22/2008 - 07:51

I agree a nice ribbon would round things out. I don't have any experience with the fathead. How much are you willing to spend? I really want to try a Crowley & Tripp Naked Eye. I may pick up the classic down the line (I'm a sucker for a beautiful mic too...).

I should try my D2 on snare, so far I'm very happy with my transformerless SM57 though.

anonymous Thu, 05/22/2008 - 22:58

Sidhu wrote: Too paranoid bout posting another mic/preamp thread!

The most irksome thing to me about these threads is when they're prefaced by "Yet Another..." in the title.

I can't put on my finger on just why, but it's infinitely more irritating to me than a poster wanting honest, gear-specific advice.

anonymous Fri, 05/23/2008 - 07:18

I have a stereo pair of Fat Head II's and I love them...use them for amps, OH's and acoustic guitars mostly. They have all the midrange and low mid beef that a ribbon should have with a nice, smooth top end. They're not as detailed as the Royer 121 of course, but if you do the Lundahl upgrade that'll get you a lot closer. Then again, they're like $400 for a matched pair vs. $1,300 for a single 121.

