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I just started recording a artist for the first time on my setup but while I was getting levels on the artist they complained that they was getting like an echo effect thru the headphones so I checked it myself and sure
enough there was an echo, but the thing is I had no efx inserted whatsoever. I went thru everything possible
to see what the problem could be and I couldn't find anything but I'm wondering could it be that my mogami
mic cable is too long 30' or could it be that my headphone extension cable is too long causing some type of
interference. Can anyone help me with this one? The good thing is the recordings not recording the echo
but whats been heard in the headphones throws off the artisis timing some. Could it even be my mic ksm27
thats doing it? I don't know please help me!:confused:


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Big K Sat, 05/22/2010 - 21:51 km long mic cables are quite often the problem...
Check the I/O management of your sound card or software like boulder suggested.
With this latency on the HPs there is no working with a singer.
If you want more detailed help, please, include a description of your recording setup.
This happens with all levels of gear, but. I hope you are not using the integrated audio of your PC MoBo.
Another ;-)

RemyRAD Sun, 05/23/2010 - 16:02

Buffers low during recording. No processing during recording. Raise your buffer level for mixing which increases latency but not a problem during mixing. Inconvenient I know. But to keep latency low you must have low buffers during recording. This is not a perfect world. Not yet.

I love to hate my computer
Mx. Remy Ann David

Big K Mon, 05/24/2010 - 01:01

It seems a desease that hardly anybody states his equipment causing the problems.
If you used a RME HDSP card, eg, it would be so simple to use the included TotalMix with 1352 channel 40-bit mixer to route any audio anywhere, behind and in front of your
DAW software with almost no latency, at all. With just: it doesn't work, we have a hard time to get behind the problem. It is even more important since you were thinking of a
too long mic That was a good one.... ;-)

Big K Mon, 05/24/2010 - 14:55

Dunkles Hefeweizen is my favorite beer for all occasions, too.
After a long period of cold and wet weather it is beergarten time again.
Best way to get rid of this pale studio tan, spend some time in nature and have a Mass Bier with friends.

If you ever make a trip to Munich drop me a line..
Cya, Big K

RemyRAD Mon, 05/24/2010 - 17:02

I might actually be planning a trip later this summer? My current partner like my ex-partner were both born there & raised by their German moms there. So I have no trouble getting around in Germany since my ex and my current partner are quite fluent in Hoch Deautch (I know I got that wrong. Not only can I not speak it I can't spell it either). At least I know I'm a Tonmeister.

Keep right except to pass on the autobahn
Mx. Remy Ann David

Big K Tue, 05/25/2010 - 10:27

Music doesn't need spelling and driving right-hand-side in Germany extends your life expectancy enormously.
Btw, we need to make up some topics on VIPME or it falls asleep..
I just don't have any problems handy, atm., and no brillant ideas, either.. ( it is said I actually had some, in former years ..)
No rant in sight, no difficult job to discuss....rather peaceful..these days..

Cheers, Big K

Big K Wed, 05/26/2010 - 05:04

Utopia, have you forgotten a smiley in your last post?
Since when is a little smalltalk prohibited in this forum?
Come on, ...lighten up .. ;-)

As soon as the OP finds it important enough to info us on his system we're back with helpful advice, anyhow.

Big K

Spruch des Tages: Wenn die Kuchen sprechen, schweigen die Krümel...
