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Free Multitracks For Mixing Practice!

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Submitted by triviul on Fri, 03/18/2011 - 07:18

I recently noticed that there's a shortage of freely downloadable multitrack projects on the net for people to use for mixing practice. Yes, I’ve seen the Nine Inch Nails multitracks, the Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix files, the Real World downloads, and various other well-publicised sources of multitrack projects, but I’ve noticed that the files usually suffer from one of three problems:
- they’re actually processed/effected stems, which means you can't properly work from scratch.
- they’re low-quality or data-compressed audio, which doesn’t respond well to further processing.
- they’re actually ‘remix packs’, in other words chunks of the multitrack which can’t properly be reassembled into a time-line.

So I decided to do something about it, and have now finished putting together a library of 30 downloadable multitrack ZIP archives, each containing unprocessed WAV files at 24-bit/44.1kHz resolution. The only limitation is that I’ve restricted each session to a duration of around 20-30 seconds (typically the song’s final chorus) -- while this doesn’t dramatically reduce the usability of the projects for practice purposes, it does allow me to cover a wider range of musical genres within my available hosting space. (It also makes it a little easier to clear the usage of the tracks with the artists/producers concerned.)

Here's the link: Library of Multitrack Mix Projects

I'll continue to add further projects on a rolling basis, so further contributions are always welcome -- if you're interested in donating something to the library, then just contact me via Cambridge Music Technology .


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Update: 50 full-length multitracks now available!

I posted about this library about six months ago, but since then there've been quite a lot of new developments, so I figured it might be time to post an update. Here's a quick summary of where things are now:

  • There are now more 50 projects listed, covering a wide range of musical styles -- including more than 20 of the songs I've remixed for the 'Mix Rescue' column.
  • Almost all the projects are now provided in full-length versions -- previously most of the projects were only 30-second excerpts on account of web-space restrictions.
  • All of the files are in uncompressed WAV format at 44.1kHz, without any mix processing or effects -- just the raw multitracks, in other words.
  • There are MP3 previews provided alongside each listing so that you can get an idea of what to expect before downloading.

The link's the same as before: Library Of Free Multitrack Downloads

Many thanks again to everyone who's contributed to this resource. I'm continuing to add further projects on a rolling basis (so far about five a month), and further contributions/links are always welcome. Have fun with them!

Wed, 10/05/2011 - 22:59 Permalink
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35 new multitrack downloads added to the Library!

Thought it was worth posting another update here, because there's been another big increase in the number of multitracks listed -- we're up to about 85 full-length multitrack projects now! The new multitrack projects added include:

Also, if you want to stay up to date with continuing additions to the library, I've also set up a dedicated [[url=http://="http://www.cambridg…"]mailing list[/]="http://www.cambridg…"]mailing list[/] for this purpose. There are already some more multitracks I've got in the pipeline...

Fri, 10/21/2011 - 04:23 Permalink
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Up to 100 free sessions!

Another quick update to mention that there have been lots of new multitracks added to the library since last I posted -- there are now 100 different projects, with new additions including:

The main link to the library has also changed slightly, if anyone wants to update their bookmarks: [[url=http://="http://www.cambridg…"]Library Of Free Multitrack Downloads[/]="http://www.cambridg…"]Library Of Free Multitrack Downloads[/]

The mailing list address is still the same, though: [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.cambridg…"]Mixing Secrets News[/]="http://www.cambridg…"]Mixing Secrets News[/].

Mon, 01/30/2012 - 00:23 Permalink
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What a great idea there. Sounds that good it can't be totally true, please don't take that comment as being offensive, or some type of accusation. I'm still in my first 3 month of owning my first mac system, so I'm still tip toeing everywhere I go with it. So back to your great idea now, if I visit the 'library of multi track mix projects' I'll be able to download file's for PT10 which will be ready for... basically playing with and learning from? No initial cost or anything?
If this is true then I'll catch you later on this week. Mr.BSC

Sun, 09/09/2012 - 03:08 Permalink
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BSCDave, post: 393320 wrote: So back to your great idea now, if I visit the 'library of multi track mix projects' I'll be able to download file's for PT10 which will be ready for... basically playing with and learning from? No initial cost or anything?

That's right. The audio isn't in any Pro Tools-specific file format -- it's just 24-bit/44.1kHz WAV files which can be imported into Pro Tools or indeed any other software/hardware DAW platform you choose.

Mon, 09/10/2012 - 08:33 Permalink
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Does anyone else think that 'run run run' is a meandering vamp of a tune? yeah its cool, and sounds nice. but common' we all know the influences had much more of a message, than this piece.
I claim no superiority, and think its a well done tune, but it's lyrical content is like 'what'? i mean the song tells a vague story, explanation of who i'm running from, what's good w/ babylon? i dunno.
It sounds really nice, but speaks nonsense if you ask me. hmm hhmmm hmmm? i mean there is un-inspring lyrical content. too typical and vague, it's like one long chorus w/ a bridge, i'd work on arrangement/lyrical content far before the mix, which sounds nice.

yes i understand vamps and am fine buggin out on them, but really, the lack of any substance lyrically makes me wonder. i'd put this as a 5th song on a cd, when it's time to just groove out.

It's generic, 'run from the man, he is taking what i have'. lacks detail in the vocal content, and more importantly, inspirational words. Otherwise it's really cool IMHO.

Tue, 09/11/2012 - 00:06 Permalink
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I just want to point out that we have a little project going on here on RO, we recorded a song and we are at the mixing phase.
Anyone can participate by asking for the stems link in private to me (start a discussion)
And post mixes here :

In a few weeks we will chose a mix and start mastering ! ;)

Sun, 05/17/2015 - 05:10 Permalink
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Mike Caliri

triviul, post: 366558, member: 42058 wrote: I recently noticed that there's a shortage of freely downloadable multitrack projects on the net for people to use for mixing practice. Yes, I’ve seen the Nine Inch Nails multitracks, the Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix files, the Real World downloads, and various other well-publicised sources of multitrack projects, but I’ve noticed that the files usually suffer from one of three problems:
- they’re actually processed/effected stems, which means you can't properly work from scratch.
- they’re low-quality or data-compressed audio, which doesn’t respond well to further processing.
- they’re actually ‘remix packs’, in other words chunks of the multitrack which can’t properly be reassembled into a time-line.

So I decided to do something about it, and have now finished putting together a library of 30 downloadable multitrack ZIP archives, each containing unprocessed WAV files at 24-bit/44.1kHz resolution. The only limitation is that I’ve restricted each session to a duration of around 20-30 seconds (typically the song’s final chorus) -- while this doesn’t dramatically reduce the usability of the projects for practice purposes, it does allow me to cover a wider range of musical genres within my available hosting space. (It also makes it a little easier to clear the usage of the tracks with the artists/producers concerned.)

Here's the link:

Library of Multitrack Mix Projects

I'll continue to add further projects on a rolling basis, so further contributions are always welcome -- if you're interested in donating something to the library, then just contact me via Cambridge Music Technology.


Mon, 12/14/2015 - 11:56 Permalink