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Hi Everyone,

How does room acoustic and the selection and location of microphone affects classical music recording?

With Regards,

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anonymous Wed, 03/23/2005 - 09:38

Well, these things won't affect classical music recording at all. If you have classical music, and you record it, then that's about it isn't it?

Seriously though, acoustic, mic selection, and placement are pretty much every variable in recording, aside from the instrument and player.

If you choose a bad acoustic it'll probably sound bad, and same goes for a bad mic or poor placement. Bad = bad.

This is kind of a whoppingly generalized question and really has no answer, kinda silly don't you think?

Cucco Wed, 03/23/2005 - 15:14

I still don't get it. Maybe I'm just looking at the wrong words, or maybe Andrew's being even more of a smart ass than I usually am.

Agreed - that's like asking, aside from the lens, the film and the lighting, what needs to be done to take a picture?

Oops, I'm straying off the subject. :o