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My friend has been loaning me some of his gear so I can record.

Loaned gear:

2 Behringer Truth B2021A Monitors
1 Behringer Xenyx 1832FX Mixer
1 Set of Nady Drum Mics 7-Piece

This is what they retail for brand new. .

Monitors $300
Mixer $280
Drum Mics $150

Total = $730

I think I will offer him $300 to $400 for all of the gear.
What is the absolute highest you guys would pay for all of it.

Do you think that is a fair price for it used, or should I replace it with my own gear of better quality piece by piece?

I feel a bit bad using it for free without giving him something for it.
Obviously it is not top the line, but it gets the job started.

Thanks for any help!

P.S. - The guy has a handlebar mustache.


anonymous Tue, 06/30/2009 - 02:09

I have had mixed experience with Behringer stuff

I still have an old board I use from time to time. I don't expect it to sound great, and it never dissapionts, and has been a reliable peice, if you can believe it

Everything else that I have ever bought from them has broken.

In all honesty, while I think Behringer stuff can really help someone learn without a huge expence up front, in the end what you will be buying is gear that, even if it works perfectly, will need to be replaced, because its cheap, and that will only take you so far.

I almost bought the Behringer Monitors before, I am lucky to have a knowledgeable music store here, and they steered me away from those.

I ended up buying a set of Tapco (mackie) s8's they are loud, and were on sale, and are pretty decent monitors, expecially for what I paid.

I would just take your time, and replace the stuff yuor borrowing piece by piece with better qaulity stuff, then as a repayment, your friend can borrow your gear later, because it is better

I won't totally bash Behringer though, I got my start using some of thier stuff, and even though everything has been replaced that I owned by them, it got me into it, when there is no way I could afford more expensive stuff.

anonymous Tue, 06/30/2009 - 17:21

If you dont already have the audio interface?? Look at the presonus firepod. Gives you 8 preamp channels and 8 outs. It requires firewire interface. You can plug mics direct. You can control the gain on the premps from the software. Monitors there are many brands if you can listen to a few its really a personal choice.


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