Does anyone know what's the new hype on the latest version of Cubase SX3? Yes, I'm still on version 1 and purposely held off because of the rapid release of these upgrades. Is version 4 just around the corner?
Yeh man, I was just browsing Steinbergs site and just as bold as
Yeh man, I was just browsing Steinbergs site and just as bold as day, there's this promotional banner stating they just released SX3. It definitely surprised me. It seems they're throwing out these new versions as opposed to upgrading to a current fix or something of that nature.
You defenitely got my vote on that. I was thinking of upgrading
You defenitely got my vote on that. I was thinking of upgrading but also carefully going through the added options and see whats new. I hope they fixed or added the ability to control external gear such as Adats, like they did with their VST 3.XX & 5.XX. But I'll take your advice, thanks.
Thanks for the tip, Dab. I hadn't heard yet. Well, looks like
Thanks for the tip, Dab. I hadn't heard yet. Well, looks like a few little conveniences have been added, but not near enough to make me bite. I think i'll stick with SX2 for a good while.