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Waves has introduced version 4.0 of their plugin line, which included support for Mac OS X. They have also introduced a new plugin , called the Renaissance Channel, which is a pretty cool looking channel strip using Renaissance technology with EQ, comp, gate, and much more. Looks pretty awesome!

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audiokid Sat, 04/19/2003 - 21:54

Opus, have you used the restoration tools? If so, what is the xclick and xcrackle like? Do they add any of the digital buzz when you use them. I've used the declicker and that's what it does. I guess I should try the demo out. Just currious.

That's good news. Waves has always been first class to me. Version 4 keepd the faith for me.

Cheers! :c:

Opus2000 Sun, 04/20/2003 - 07:01


Yes, I use the X-Noise plug in a lot as some times I get tracks that were recorded by a computer! X-Noise has the learn function and a very controllable noise reduction amount.

Helps tremendously. If you use too much of it, it can and will add artifacts to your sound. Just a little bit and you're good to go.

Just a dash of reverb, a pinch of compression and a shot of x-noise, cook for 5 minutes at 1x speed and voilla! lol

Opus :D