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Anybody have any thoughts? If someone wanted a Les Paul but couldn't afford a Gibson is an Epiphone a decent alternative? Because i want to buy new one and i discover more about Epiphone Les Paul. Is it worth my money?
This is very confusing to me.
Thanks for help!


dvdhawk Fri, 06/12/2020 - 14:32

I have one (also made in Korea - 20 something years ago) and I played it a lot in one of the bands a while back - switching back and forth between it and a Strat as dictated by the song. The stock pickups in mine sound good and it stays in tune really well. That's all I really care about. I'd absolutely recommend trying one out, especially if you're gigging out because they're inevitably going to get some dents and dings in them. I've got more than a few guitars to choose from, and my Epiphone 335 (made in China) has been my favorite go-to guitar for the past 7-8 years. I love its versatility.

If possible, buy local as kmetal recommends, so you can hold the actual guitar you want to buy in your hands and give it a good demo in the store. It's (sadly) shocking how much variance there is from one to the next, but these days this is true of more expensive Gibsons and Fenders too. A good guitar will usually sound 'lively'. Even before you plug it in, it should have some resonance when you play it unplugged (assuming the strings aren't all grungy). The next one down the rack may be the same model, same year, and same finish, and sound like a dud. To me, that's the biggest difference in buying the lower end guitars - quality control. Some of them just sing and the next one doesn't. That's why I have never liked buying guitars online or mailorder. I have bought a few guitars and basses on eBay over the years and have been pretty lucky so far, but most of mine were bought locally so I could see how lively they were.

Good luck!