Skip to main content…"]Here[/]="…"]Here[/]'s a piece from the BBC website about vintage equipment usage in modern studios.



EricIndecisive Sun, 10/28/2012 - 09:36

Very cool. I actually just saw this clip the other day of Jack Johnson - [[url=http://[/URL]="…"]JACK JOHNSON/ E FRIENDLY STUDIO - YouTube[/]="…"]JACK JOHNSON/ E FRIENDLY STUDIO - YouTube[/] . Runs the studio off solar power, and records using a lot of vintage equipment.

I notice in the end of the article they talk about the mp3... how a cassette is technically better. What about CDs though? I imagine the wav files must contain the most data in a very clear format as well

e-mixmaster Sat, 11/03/2012 - 16:55

Nothing sounds like the real things!

I do not understand why the whole world is pursuing this perefect recreation of analog gear when they should look for really new things... al plugins sound just the same. All we do is stare at his graphics and pretend we are tweaking a real thing !.

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