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Hi All,

First time poster here. I recently did a small experiment showcasing the phenomenon of sympathetic vibrations. Below I attached a link to show the basic setup I'm working with. As you can imagine the logistics of recording and mixing this was a nightmare. I could go into detail but basically separating the source from the vibrations was next to impossible as the source Waveshave to be hitting the instruments used as the resonators for it to work and obviously the mic is going to take in the loader of the two. Also mixing it was crazy as I essentially was left with the options of automating it very aggressively or compressing it very aggressively. Both of which have their inherent problems. Anyway as this is not the recording setup you see everyday I am finding impossible to find any literature on how to do this properly. I hope to come back at this idea in the next 12-14 months and aside from the things that a bigger budget would solve does anyone have ANY ideas about this.

Many thanks for any thoughts!


pcrecord Wed, 11/07/2018 - 15:36

Hi Jaco and welcome to (RO)
The first thing that comes to mind if isolation of each instruments is needed is to use pieso/transducers or guitars with pickups.
Understand that I'm not saying you need isolation and of course using pickups and transducers will give less balanced frequencies compared to a nice condenser.
But it could at least allow to listen only to the sympathetic vibration with a minimum of the source.
Also, each resonator instruments will have specific frequencies they will react to depending on the size of the body and composition.
It could be fun to emphases on those frequencies and create a melody from sympathetic vibration alone.. Just a thought..

jaco1900 Thu, 11/08/2018 - 05:32

That definitely makes sense. I did have one DI instrument up there. It sounded really interesting, not like the acoustic boxes but perhaps a balance closer to 50/50 instead of 90/10 would work and be easier to work with. I'm looking for pathways to explore through trial and error so this is definitely something I can test out pretty easily. Definitely some thought to what will ring out at different times is on the game plan next time! Thanks!