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Hi folks
It's time to dig in again for the long northern winter.
I want to transfer vinyl and cassette to disc and am looking for advice about software to clean up hiss rumble pops etc.
What's out there that works and is affordable?
Thanks for your help Roly


anonymous Sat, 09/20/2003 - 15:42

I've been doing that now and then. I've been using Cool Edit. Recording and to cleaning up hiss rumble pops etc... After that I ran the tracks thru T-racks with a "gentle master" setting, and sometimes added some bass.
And it sounded really good.
Shortly after doing this with an album from the 70's I bought it on CD (released 10 years ago), and to tell you the truth: My recording sounded better!!!! The reason is that they've released so many old recordings on CD without any proper remastering.... so they don't sound good at all.

So if you want your vinyl to sound more like the a CD, some kind of mastering tool is recommended.
One more important thing:
If you're going to do all this hard work, make sure that you have a good sound card, and do regular backups of your HD.

anonymous Mon, 09/22/2003 - 12:34

Thanks for the advice guys.
I have a Hammerfall DSP 6952 sound card and Swissonic 96K converters so I think I'm ok there. Also have Samp 7.12.
I am asking for opinions about plugins specifically designed for vinyl and cassette transfer to disc.
Sorry if I was unclear and thanks for your help.
cheers Roly

pmolsonmus Wed, 09/24/2003 - 09:42

If you're not looking to re-mix every aspect of your albums and just want to listen to vinyl that doesn't get played due to format, you may want to check out the PC based interface Phono Preamp Studio USB from Terratec - a German company. - they have 2 items, The Phono Preamp and the Phono Preamp Studio with a few more features that a musician would want but its more expensive. $160 vs $100 approx.
It has its own software and it's really a no brainer to operate and although there's preamp coloring and noise reduction coloring involved, just to have access to old albums make it worth checking into. It takes out surface noises at levels that you can control so coloring can be somewhat minimized.
The interface is phono pre/RCA to USB. There's also line level adjustment to maximize gain at that level or for use with line outs. I like it for what it does.


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