Does anyone here know of a record put out on a major record label that was tracked,mixed, or mastered with the same brand software you are using at home?
There is this song in the UK that is really really really popula
There is this song in the UK that is really really really popular and doing well.
Its a 2-Step/UKG track called 'Gotta Get Thru This' by Daniel Bedingfield.
I read in Future Magazine that the song was made with 'Making Waves' software.
I checked out the software and its really not that good. hehe. I couldnt get on with the demo anyway.
Checkit out at
It sounds like it was meant for the Yamaha XG cards, so it might not be a 'dance ejay' type of thing. But to me it didnt seem that powerful.
Yes . . . If you go to there is an interview
Yes . . .
If you go to there is an interview
with the band Garbage which says that the members
of the band tracked almost all the album at home
on a Digi 001 system and then brought it all into
a TDM system for final editing and mixing.
Very cool. When you get right down to it . . .
24 bit digital is 24 bit digital . . . as long as
you have used good A to D.
Personally, I use Apogee Trak 2 for my A to D
and it's killer.
Originally posted by Pete Weaver: Yes . . . If you go to Dig
Originally posted by Pete Weaver:
Yes . . .If you go to there is an interview
with the band Garbage which says that the members
of the band tracked almost all the album at home
on a Digi 001 system and then brought it all into
a TDM system for final editing and mixing.Very cool. When you get right down to it . . .
24 bit digital is 24 bit digital . . . as long as
you have used good A to D.Personally, I use Apogee Trak 2 for my A to D
and it's killer.
So that's why their records sound so damn annoying ang gritty.
The best thing to do is go to each software companies website an
The best thing to do is go to each software companies website and it tells you who did what with what software and what label and so forth...