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Does anyone here know of a record put out on a major record label that was tracked,mixed, or mastered with the same brand software you are using at home?


anonymous Wed, 03/06/2002 - 01:53

There is this song in the UK that is really really really popular and doing well.

Its a 2-Step/UKG track called 'Gotta Get Thru This' by Daniel Bedingfield.

I read in Future Magazine that the song was made with 'Making Waves' software.

I checked out the software and its really not that good. hehe. I couldnt get on with the demo anyway.

Checkit out at

It sounds like it was meant for the Yamaha XG cards, so it might not be a 'dance ejay' type of thing. But to me it didnt seem that powerful.

anonymous Tue, 04/02/2002 - 11:31

Yes . . .

If you go to there is an interview
with the band Garbage which says that the members
of the band tracked almost all the album at home
on a Digi 001 system and then brought it all into
a TDM system for final editing and mixing.

Very cool. When you get right down to it . . .
24 bit digital is 24 bit digital . . . as long as
you have used good A to D.

Personally, I use Apogee Trak 2 for my A to D
and it's killer.

Henchman Fri, 04/26/2002 - 19:35

Originally posted by Pete Weaver:
Yes . . .

If you go to there is an interview
with the band Garbage which says that the members
of the band tracked almost all the album at home
on a Digi 001 system and then brought it all into
a TDM system for final editing and mixing.

Very cool. When you get right down to it . . .
24 bit digital is 24 bit digital . . . as long as
you have used good A to D.

Personally, I use Apogee Trak 2 for my A to D
and it's killer.

So that's why their records sound so damn annoying ang gritty.


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