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While trying to track down some 30 year old Telefunken parts, I stumbled across a German pro audio site. In addition to the Neumann and Brauner mics, they also offered a brand I have never heard of here in the US - Horch. They only seem to offer one model the Horch RM2, and its priced up in Brauner territory - +/- $3grand or so. Anybody ever seen or heard one of these things?

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miketholen Sun, 04/01/2001 - 09:03

never heard of Horch, but if your still looking for Telefunken /TAB/Siemens parts, I know of a guy who worked at Telefunken for 16 years under the man that designed the V72, To make a long story short, When Telefunken closed it's audio division in the early/mid eighties, he took all of the spare/surplus parts from the warehouse!He is now in the states- he has reworked alot of my gear- his work is impeccable! I sent him a pair of TAB U373a's that had some problems and he sent them back full of "new" original parts! He also put them in a rack with a few with a few mods done to them(threshold knob, 50 % more threshold switch, gain -5dB and +5dB knob and a link switch that is perfectly matched. These units are the holygrail AFAIC, He calls them a German Fairchild. These are not stock u373's he has also modded the Knee to be much more gradual :D
If your still looking for Telefunken parts lemme know-Mike

anonymous Mon, 04/02/2001 - 02:02

he has a great rep.

best -- don

Originally posted by miketholen:
never heard of Horch, but if your still looking for Telefunken /TAB/Siemens parts, I know of a guy who worked at Telefunken for 16 years under the man that designed the V72, To make a long story short, When Telefunken closed it's audio division in the early/mid eighties, he took all of the spare/surplus parts from the warehouse!He is now in the states- he has reworked alot of my gear- his work is impeccable! I sent him a pair of TAB U373a's that had some problems and he sent them back full of "new" original parts! He also put them in a rack with a few with a few mods done to them(threshold knob, 50 % more threshold switch, gain -5dB and +5dB knob and a link switch that is perfectly matched. These units are the holygrail AFAIC, He calls them a German Fairchild. These are not stock u373's he has also modded the Knee to be much more gradual :D
If your still looking for Telefunken parts lemme know-Mike
