Greetings and thanks for reading,
I am in the process of assembling my home studio around the Mackie ONYX 1640i firewire integrated mixer. I'm have a rack mounted kick ass PC assembled right now, running WIN 7 Pro, PT 10, and installing the Universal Audio UAD 2 - DUO PCIe card for plugins. I'm pretty stoked to get it all together.
I have owned the 1640i for about a year now and love the Carl Perkins dual sweep EQ for live sound, but I was sad to read today while reading another thread that you can't record channels post EQ with the 1640i. I think this is a shame. Can anyone conifrm this and offer some logic on the design, or is it an oversight? Since I haven't put my studio together yet I can't investigate, but I also read that you can't record any FX you may be running through an AUX either.
My thinking is that if it is designed to always record dry, un - EQ'ed, it is so you could craft a headphone mix to suit a performer while not committing to any manipulation of the actual track. Does that make sense to anyone? For example, while doing vocals it's sometimes nice to have a bit of reverb, but you wouldn't want to be stuck with it in the final mix. However, if you dialed in a nice EQ or FX it would be nice to record the channel POST! That's my thought anyways...
Anyways, I really just wanted to start a thread for anyone that may have a similar rig to offer advice, share some tips, or anything at all for that matter. Thanks again for reading. I can't wait to get at it!
That's right. The EQ does not go to print. There is a mod out th
That's right. The EQ does not go to print. There is a mod out there but it's not cheap. Black Lion Audio was doing one but I don't see it on their list anymore. It's common for eq not to go to print.
i just did a quick search, and i think maybe what you read perta
i just did a quick search, and i think maybe what you read pertained to the 1640, not the 1640i. [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.soundons…"]Mackie Onyx 1640i[/]="http://www.soundons…"]Mackie Onyx 1640i[/]
it's looking to me like you can record the effx, if not it'll just take some extra routing to make it work. if nothing else it'll remind you what you/and or the artist was hearing during tracking. which can have a big influence on their performance, and cadence, ect. especially w/ compression, and time based effx
hope this helps. Seems like you have a pretty nice setup man, have fun!
kmetal, post: 404718 wrote: i just did a quick search, and i thi
kmetal is correct. The 1640 will not record its own EQ without some work since the firewire output is post gain and pre EQ and can't be changed. They smartened up with the 1640i, so if you have that newer model, all you have to do is press the SEND pre/post button on each channel where you want to record the EQ. The button, IIRC, is right above or at the top of the EQ area on the channel strip, below the gain knob. Check your manual, page 15 (section 27).
Sweet! Thanks for the good news kmetal and apstrong! I'm relying
Sweet! Thanks for the good news kmetal and apstrong! I'm relying on threads for the time being because I'm actually not anywhere near my system. I teach in the Arctic for most of the year, and I have been piecing together components for this studio for my cottage back in PEI. Therefore I won't be able to tinker until mid June. I can't wait to get at it! I have a lot to learn, but I'm looking forward to it. Thanks again guys, and any other info or tips are always welcome!
Hello everyone. This discussion has been very helpful I am new t
Hello everyone.
This discussion has been very helpful
I am new to the 1640i.
So exploring it.
When i try recording using the firewire button below the gain nob, i get no sound from my headphone amp in the LIVE room.
Headphone amp rooted through AUX SEND 6.
Please help
You probably need to either set up the aux in Mackie's mixer sof
You probably need to either set up the aux in Mackie's mixer software( there should be an icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen) or set a return channel and then a hardware send to aux. Can you describe your routing in a bit more detail?
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Sure Aux send 6 - XLR Pannel (control room) - XLR pannel (live r
Aux send 6 - XLR Pannel (control room) - XLR pannel (live room ) - headphone Amp
Using Cubase 6
Also when i try recording using Sub groups, the artist can't hear the metronome.
I wish there was a.more friendly manual and a How To Use Video series :(
Thanks hueseph for the support
Okay, you've posted part of the physical routing and you haven'
Okay, you've posted part of the physical routing and you haven't mentioned any of the settings on the board or the internal routing from Mackie's mixer software.
Trying to decipher this because I don't own a Mackie Onyx console right now(or any console for that matter). From what I can tell the button with the firewire icon below the gain knob is not an assign to firewire button. It's a pre or post fader select button. The firewire assign button is above the gain knob next to the +48 phantom power button. The button selects whether you are listening from line or Firewire.
What you need to do is:
So let's say you are using channels 13 and 14 for your (mono) headphone mixes. In cubase create your auxiliaries, and in the routing preferences assign those auxiliaries to firewire outputs 13 and 14. On the console, assign those channels to auxiliaries 1-6. There shouldn't be anything else. Just make sure that in Mackie's monitor matrix, the faders are at unity.
Regarding sub groups: This is likely also a software issue. Create your sub groups in Cubase, assign those to firewire channels and make sure you assign your click track to that.
This should all be in the manual. Well, it is in the manual. That's where I'm getting this info.
If I misunderstood, please clarify.
One more thing. You need to make sure your aux returns are set
One more thing. You need to make sure your aux returns are set to listen from FireWire rather than line.
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