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Im looking for some cheap PA gear for my band. Probably just JRX's and XLS amps. It seems that there arent any JRX's on ebay worth buying. The cheapest I found them was for 200 with 50 shipping so I'm only saving 50 over what I could get them for at the local Guitar Center. Are there any good online stores for used or b-stock gear?


anonymous Mon, 11/14/2005 - 18:01

You can also get your Crown XLS series amps for very cheap. No, I don't work for the company just spreading a good word for them. I've purchased (3) XLS 602's form them for a total of $960 shipping included. All were sealed in factory box, probably refurb, but I've been using them for a month now at 4 ohm loads and no problems. Good Luck!


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