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I am looking to replace my Mackie 16 with a better console for warming up my DAE output (Logic / MOTU 896). I am looking at a couple consoles like the Sony MXP-2000 and Studers. Any professional advice? I'm open to other mixers $5000 and less and I am looking for nice warm sweeteening eq and channels that sound good when the gain is crunched. Thanks!


Kurt Foster Mon, 12/01/2003 - 10:27

Both consoles mentioned will need serious maintenance at some point.. and this will be an ongoing thing. If you are a tech or have deep pockets this should be no problem. The answer to this problem has been to mix in the DAW.. bypassing any mixer at all other than for monitoring. get some nice preamps and add that sweeteening and gain crunch on the way into the DAW with good mics, pres, comps and EQ's.

teleharmonic Mon, 12/01/2003 - 10:45

This side stepping your original query a little bit but is related:

Is anyone using any mix bus summing devices like the 'Dangerous' 2-bus (devices that take 5 or 6 stereo stems from the computer and blends them into a single stereo output). Does anyone know of any real sonic advantage that this has? just curious... i have checked out the website but i have never heard any comments from actual users.This might be an option instead of a regular analog mix console...