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Hey folks, I just finished an interview with Mark and Beth McQuilken for TapeOp and have the skinny about the RNMP (I'll give you what I can and the rest you'll just have to wait and read about).

It's done. Now, 'done' means different things to different people. I actually held in my hands version No. 5 (complete, works, but didn't hit his price-point so it wasn't 'done' to Mark). I've seen the drawings of v6 and this is the one that looks to be it. Some tests have been done. 25 units have been ordered and will be field tested by a variety of Mark's friends. If it flies you'll hear about it, possibly from me.

Because of the little bit of beta testing left there is no 'hard date' that it will be available (trust me, I asked). But I can tell you that it is the same size as an RNC, it is 2 channels, all reports are that it sounds phenominal, and it will treat your bank account really nice, too.

That's all I know - or at least all I am telling.



kent powell Mon, 04/08/2002 - 12:46

Many thanks to you! I understand if you have no further comment, but I'm surprised to hear that this will be a two-channel unit since the price point I'd heard bandied about has been "something sub-$500". It just seems so improbable that we could have a mic-pre which meets the McQ's standards in that price range. I won't complain if it's so. I won't look for it before your article comes out either.