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Probably a dumb question, but I'm doing scratch tracks to send to my drummer so that he has something to play to in the studio. The bandmates found the tempo for an uptempo song to be at 104 whereas I'm clocking it at around 200 here at home.

I think they were counting 1 (click click click) 2 (click click click) 3 (click clickk click) 4 (click click click)

Whereas I've got it at 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4.

If the song is pretty fast paced, I'd be correct in assuming I should have it at 200 rather than 100 because it feels like they're skipping measures, correct?



Kev Wed, 02/24/2010 - 11:33

200 is a quick song and 100 is a slow song
need to know the style to make a good judgment
a very slow ballad could be 100

for a fast pop punk dance then 160 ... 180 is quick and 200 is very quick

instead of 1 (click click click) 2 (click click click)
try kick snare kick snare kick snare kick snare on quarter notes and HiHat on 16ths
then try to play to it


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