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I decided that a new look was needed plus a different approach to the way I need to work as well as the amount of desktop space needed!

Check it out and let me know what you all think!



Opus2000 Wed, 08/06/2003 - 07:53

Yes, that is the Radkial SAC 2.2 controller. It's very nice and is very well supported by Nuendo!

Got it from Guitar Center for $700!!

DH...Desk only cost me $225.00...much better than the time to make one...hee hee! Believe me...those lights are soooo much better than any other light. It's actually easier to stare at the monitors with them on during the night!

Lamb...disco ball is inside the computer..


Doublehelix Wed, 08/06/2003 - 11:14

Desk only cost me $225.00...much better than the time to make one...

Trust me...I'll *never* make one again!!! pain in the hind end! It is nice now that it is done, but by the time you add up the cost of the materials and my time, it ended up costing me about US$75,000!!! Haha...maybe it just felt that way!

Nice desk Gary, especially for the price...looks great...clean and professional. Nice job!

I don't care what you say about the lights, they would drive me up the fricken' wall!!! :D I would prefer a strobe light! Hahaha...just ribben' you man...looks good!

knightfly Thu, 08/07/2003 - 04:02

Yeah, it has been a "fur piece", huh?

Got asked by John Sayers (studio builder in Australia) if I would moderate the Construction forum on his new site,

(Stop by if you get a chance)

Between that and one of my (many)favorite old sayings, "Life is the crap that happens to you while you're busy making plans", plus you getting stuck down at the bottom of the page outa sight, etc...

Anyhoozitz, good ta see yer still kickin' man, I still haven't gotten to the new "puters, other than a new laptop a couple months ago, it's a Toshiba, works great, only one I could find that has all the ports I wanted AND audio line in AND out. I'm gonna get ETF's acoustic package so I can "shoot a room" and help figure out what all it needs to behave, etc...

Guess by the time I finally DO build the new studio machines there should be some killer stuff, huh?

I'll try not to be such a stranger (Oh, wait, I really AM stranger)... Steve

Doublehelix Thu, 08/07/2003 - 04:39

James aka DH has the stereo lava lamps going so I thought I'd be different! the red on the right and the green on the left...what a good boy I am! :) are strange, there is no doubt about it! Are you *still* waiting to put your studio back together??? You gotta be kidding me??? Aren't you going nuts??? Oh, wait a minute, I think we already addressed the "going nuts" part!!! lmao!!! :D

realdynamix Thu, 08/07/2003 - 19:05

:) Now I gotta get some rope lights, this audio gear thing never ends. :D
Wait...I don't know anything about rope lights.

What are the best rope lights under 50 US.

Does Deadringer make a good rope light or should I go for the Really Nice Ropelights? Apobeam?

How about the Mini-Lights? I like the look of the FocusLightRed, but too much for my budget.

I should wait for the Zebralights review first, right? :D


Tommy P. Fri, 08/08/2003 - 13:03

Get all the rope lights ya need on clearance after the holidays, thats what I did...

Gotta go for mood in the environment, eh Gary? I'm with ya on that! :D
I'm a rock fountain man myself, with neon light guitars, saxaphone , pelicans and stuff about. I'm working on putting an indoor garden in my space too...

Wax on, wax off...


knightfly Sat, 08/09/2003 - 12:15

James - the answers are yes, yes, and yes. (Oh, wait, the second one needs to be changed to "DEFINITELY" - or was that the third one?)

Nothing in the last year has changed my favorite saying away from the one I mentioned earlier - too much work, too many distractions, too little money to hire Rupert Neve to oversee my studio build, etc...

I finally bought a computer desk that's uniquely fitted to being a "composing station", and am working on making enough room in my "Office" for at least a keyboard, guitar, and (maybe) drum setup - the REAL studio is STILL looking like a couple years from ground break - it'll be about 2200 SF, soundproof enough for .44 mag pistol practice at 2 am without disturbing wife or neighbors, etc -

Meantime, I'd have to back up in order to "go crazy", so no noticeable change there...

Good seein' you guise again, I'll have to "recky-member" to scroll down to the "basement" more often... Steve