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Which monitors will help to translate a mix better? Alot of music is listened to on a hifi system (here hifi meaning a system that mimics an equal loudness contour), so I am assuming if you mix on a hifi, then the actual recording comes out 'flat' in a way. But if you mix on a system with a flat response, and you try to to give it an equal loudness contour, when that mix is played back on a hifi, it will mimic the loudness contour twice.

So my question is which really better for mixing, flat monitors or "hifi" monitors? Does it depend a lot on where the music is played? (movie theater, club, ipod, home stereo)

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MadMax Sat, 07/28/2007 - 21:29

A lot of music may be listened to on hifi speakers... but it's generally hard to MIX on em and get a good mix.

Let's say the speakers have a boost at 200, 400, 2kHz and 4KHz. When you try to mix on these, you will hear exaggerated 200, 400, 2kHHz and 4kHz.

Because the boost is there, you can about bet that your mixes will be too thin at those frequencies, because you are gonna cut those frequencies... cause they're too loud.

Make sense?

natural Sat, 07/28/2007 - 22:04

I agree with madmax.
It would only work to mix on 'Hi Fi' speakers if ALL hifi speakers were the same.
Since it's not a perfect world, you need to mix on a Flat system, so that all the different hifi speakers can mangle your audio in their own special way.

There used to be a saying "if you can make it sound good on a crappy pair of speakers it will sound good anywhere.
This couldn't be further from the truth. It will only sound good that that particular pair of crappy speakers and will sound extra crappy everywhere else.

Link555 Fri, 08/03/2007 - 12:15

I think You need both. My monitor set up consists of three sets of speakers.
1) My main monitors (Dynaudio BM15A)
2) horrible tones 1 (Hitachi book shelve speakers)
3) really horrible tones 2 (Sony Geto-blaster speakers)

I use a cranesong avocet to switch through the monitors. Once I get a mix close, on 1 I check it on 2 and 3, and tweak a bit more. This way I try to find a balance.

I also then use the car speakers, and our other book shelve stereo speakers to double check with different acoustics and set ups.