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I assume that a lot of us tend to use the SM57 on the snare drum, but I was wondering how people other than me go about it. I tend to place one on top and bottom (the top one pretty close to the center without getting in the way of the drummer and very close to the drum skin)...



LittleDogAudio Tue, 11/09/2004 - 13:30

Depends on the type of music and how the drummer hits the snare.

I will start with the mic 2 figers above the rim, even with the outside of the shell and pointing downward slightly. If I want more ring, I'll point it more to the outside of the head, more attack I'll point towards the middle.

I always try to keepthe highhat at the back of the mic to reduce bleed. Sometimes I'll put a foam visor over the tip of the mic to help cut some of the bleed.

Hope this helps,


Davedog Wed, 11/10/2004 - 17:20

I like em even with the top rim pointed towards the center angled away from the hihat and the mounted tom... thats basically parallel with the top head...I too have quit looking to the bottom head for any kind of response EXCEPT when we're doing a LOT of brush work...then its a nice fattener. BTW I use an old SM57...a unidyne just sounds better...I still have six left of the 20 I had at one time and this mic has always been heads above all of its brothers and sisters..

Clayphish Sun, 11/14/2004 - 05:13

Would you like to sell me one? :D I have the newer generation 57 and I'm not overly pleased with the results. It just seem to break down a bit when hit with a lot of volume.

Davedog wrote: I like em even with the top rim pointed towards the center angled away from the hihat and the mounted tom... thats basically parallel with the top head...I too have quit looking to the bottom head for any kind of response EXCEPT when we're doing a LOT of brush work...then its a nice fattener. BTW I use an old SM57...a unidyne just sounds better...I still have six left of the 20 I had at one time and this mic has always been heads above all of its brothers and sisters..

anonymous Sun, 11/14/2004 - 06:16

Snare '57


When I first used an SM57 over the snare, I didn't bother much with positioning (just over the edge of the rim, out of the way), but I have learnt lately how important slight variations are to the sound.

I like a bigger, fuller sound, so I try to get the mic pointing more into the centre. It's a fine balance between ring, spill and a good sound which is definitely worth working on. It's also very satisfying!

I also use an AKG C414 under the snare (phase reversed) which really adds to the overall sound (especially the attack) and gives me loads more control....

Good luck,


anonymous Sun, 11/14/2004 - 06:17

Snare '57


When I first used an SM57 over the snare, I didn't bother much with positioning (just over the edge of the rim, out of the way), but I have learnt lately how important slight variations are to the sound.

I like a bigger, fuller sound, so I try to get the mic pointing more into the centre. It's a fine balance between ring, spill and a good sound which is definitely worth working on. It's also very satisfying!

I also use an AKG C414 under the snare (phase reversed) which really adds to the overall sound (especially the attack) and gives me loads more control....

Good luck,



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