I have come to a point where I now need to start mixing my songs. My setup is mostly software-based and the problem I have, or don't have is this:
I use synths for basses, now it has come to my attention that the bases are all stereo. Most of them have some form of unison which gives them lots more space and dynamic sound in the overall composition. I never realized this at the time of making the song but it has occurred to me if I have this stereo spread, is my bass going to be less weak?
I used a Paz analyzer to look at the frequency of the basses and 30- 150 hz are very prominent. This can only mean good, and the actual sound of the basses is fantastic.
Should I be looking to keep my subfrequencies mono?; for a better sound?
BTW its drum and bass are what I produce so angry dark bases are my flavour! :twisted:
Thanks.Tony B
It's likely that the low portion of the sounds in the patches ar
It's likely that the low portion of the sounds in the patches are centered already...
Just make sure you hit the "MONO" button frequently to make sure it holds together.