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ok. so I'm running Cubase 5 on a HP pavilion dv7 laptop (2009 i think... maybe 10) aaannnddd i have a Tascam US-1641 audio interface. i have two Alesis monitor one studio monitors with an amp to run them aaand I'm kinda wondering how to set up my control room with that. .as of now i have the two monitor outs coming out of the stereo out puts 1 &2 out of the back of the Tascam, and two headphones coming out of the line out 3&4. . i watched a video on you tube to set up my control room i have one stereo and two mono outputs in my control room. aaannnddd my metronome was gone before i set this up... i could not hear it at all and it really made me mad. SO now i finally got my conrol room set up and i can hear the metronome BUT it only beeps for like a few measures and then stops!.. somebody please help! i just wanna get this set up and running lol. I'm in the middle of recording my drum trax and it would be REALLY nice to have a click track! plus i just wanna get my Cubase running like it should be... thanks for reading guys and i hope i get a helpful response that can solve all my problems >.< ha ha


mikerotten Sun, 10/24/2010 - 10:10

the manual for cubase? umm noo... lol i guess i should but i hate reading.. i learn more from like videos or somebody showing me..... buuuuttt the problem with manuals is... that they dont know what i have and what my set up is... and i would like someone to personally tell me how to set up my custom cubase thing so i can get it right...

Big K Sun, 10/24/2010 - 13:00

Soooo, if you don't like reading manuals, youuuuu are in the scheits...Soooo toooo
Man, I own Nuendo from version 1.5 and now I got N5 not too long ago. And guess what? I still had to and still do spend many hours reading and learning
about those new functions from that manual. Idealy, you should now all functions and procedures by heart to be able to concentrate on music or mixing, etc..
You can achieve that only by repeatedly consulting and learning from this 700 pages manual.
This is just a small part of the trade you have to go through.
Otherwise you end up in a forum, asking for help with a problem that is caused by the weakest link of your setup: the user....LOL...

If you spend as much time with the book to find out about the metronom as I have to write this post, you will be able to fix it yourself and for the rest of your blessed life....

djmukilteo Sun, 10/24/2010 - 17:21

Check your project the top of the window there is a slider to set the size of your time/beat for start/end of your recording...try dragging that slider to the right to like 4-5minutes or beats and see if the metronome plays then all the way through..that is in the manual and real easy to find just do a search in the PDF for metronome and it will tell you every option that can be adjusted and set for that....Pg85 I believe...

mikerotten Tue, 10/26/2010 - 12:00

ok thanks guys.... and i know i should read the manual and stuff, but i honestly just dont have the time or attention span to read all that lol... i watch alot of videos to try and learn, but you guys are correct, its user error im sure.... ill try that and see if it works and let you guys know.... thanks!!

djmukilteo Tue, 10/26/2010 - 12:17

I know reading is turning into a lost ability these days...LOL...youTube and video learning is much more entertaining and not as boring!1...Heheh
One thing that might help is just opening the PDF Operations manual and doing a "search" ("Find" in PDF) for whatever topic your struggling with like the metronome...I don't think anybody could read and comprehend everything in that manual it is extremely detailed and explains every button/option contained in Cubase!
I'm still trying to figure out the Warp features and all the editing options and then my eyes glaze over and I start fading fast and go back to playing my keyboard! LOL....I fully understand...
If you can't get the metronome to work...just focus on reading that stuff and it will explain every feature for the metronome...I personally never use it as it is way too annoying....LOL

DrGonz Wed, 10/27/2010 - 05:47

I am looking to buy a trained monkey that can assist me in my recording project. You see, I do most of my tracking alone and get tired of pushing buttons. Just need the monkey to learn how to push record, undo record, play/stop and rew/ffw. So, if anyone has a pet trained monkey...I pay good money!! If the monkey can help me figure out this metronome thingy, then I will pay even more!! Look for that one on youtube ;-)
You must read to learn these thingys... or at least hack at it till you get it. Asking more questions doesn't hurt, but it also just begets more questions.

RemyRAD Thu, 10/28/2010 - 00:44

Everybody approaches their equipment differently. Some people just like to dive in. Others will read the manual and any other available information before touching anything. I generally find myself somewhere in between that. I'll scan over a manual quickly just to get an overall idea. Then I'll go ahead and screw with it. When I get stuck, that's when I start hitting the manual harder. After all, certain pieces of equipment of certain genres generally have some things in common. If you have a talent for this, things make them easier to you. If you don't? You'll just have to work harder at it. And you may want to consider the many different professional opinions you'll receive here. There certainly is more than one way to do anything in audio.

It's so cool I get to be a whore!
Mx. Remy Ann David

mikerotten Thu, 10/28/2010 - 08:39

ha... yeah i agree with all of you guys.....But i DO have the manual and i did read the section on the metronome.... the only problem is... its not adsressing my situation lol.... believe me... i come here as a last resort... i like to try and find things out on my own... but im completely stumped and i had some issuse earlier with cubase and my computer.. soim wondering if its something within cubase that im doing wrong orrrr if my computers just crapping out on it lol.... thanks guys for all yourr replies!

TheJackAttack Thu, 10/28/2010 - 10:10

Try turning off the precount while double triple checking that the metronome is indeed on. If the metronome works properly without the count in then that tells you something as well. If that were the case I'd look in the detailed settings/preferences for BOTH tools and make sure one isn't overriding the other.

We aren't trying to imply anything other than we have all-and I mean every Mod and every experienced audio engineer-had those DOH! head slap moments.

djmukilteo Thu, 10/28/2010 - 20:06

it looks to me like you still don't have your start/stop marker set on the timeline gradient at the top of your project...that needs to be clicked and dragged out to the right to mark the end of your song....when you click and hold on the little triangle (the marker) in the left corner it can be dragged to the right. Drag it a few bars past the end of your song.
I think your metronome is stopping because that has not been set...that not being set will also not let you mixdown your tracks or create a loop....
Does that make sense?

mikerotten Fri, 10/29/2010 - 04:52

Yeah.. i think i know what your talking about.. like two black boxes stacked on top of each other next to the begining of the track button... um... where u can like punch in and junk.... i have he actual bar drug out from the beginning to the end.... like w. The little triangles like u said.... buut shouldnt that change the time in the start stop box thing when i do that???

mikerotten Mon, 11/01/2010 - 10:08

ive tried eveything that everyone has posted, read the manual and everything else.... well i guess im done for then.... there is no solution, perhaps its my computer conflicting with cubase... Damn windows 7, made eveything alot harder so far.... buuuutttt yeah thanks for all your coments and help guys, i really appreciate it!! thanks again for all your help and keep jammin!!!

mikerotten Mon, 11/01/2010 - 10:32

ok thx ill give it a shot... annnd im thinking it might be... becasue unless i restart my computer before i run cubase the time meter thing will run for like 12 measeures before it plays anything... and then when i restart its fine.. it will play as soon as it starts to hit some automation.... im thinkin it might be the same deal with the metronome but restarting isnt helping that....

TheJackAttack Mon, 11/01/2010 - 10:42

Any Windows operating system will need to be tweaked for audio use. Most people who dual use their machines set up separate user profiles. The exception to this seems to be Reaper. I can do light editing with my main laptop while surfing the web and it doesn't seem to have issues. I still go into an audio profile when I need to do mission critical editing but Reaper is definitely usable in any profile.
So, here is my checklist for you.
1) set up a separate user profile on your pc that will be highly tweaked for audio use including disabling of any network adapters.
2) visit and question the Cubase gurus over at their forums
3) if you are just a beginner with learning a DAW program anyway I would seriously look into Reaper. I'm learning Reaper myself right now and it IS sometimes like pulling teeth but only because I've used my normal DAW for so long that everything I do there is like putting on an old pair of comfortable shoes. I wouldn't put up with the frustration except I've been seriously impressed by it so far. Bonus is that the trial is fully functional.

mikerotten Mon, 11/01/2010 - 10:46

ok sounds good.... but whats reaper?? ive never heard of it? is it another recording program or something?? also i have a windows XP virtual machine inside my windows 7 laptop, but i cant get the drivers for my tascam to work in it... and (its been a while) but im pretty sure that cubase runs alot better (i think Perfectly), but i have to use my onboard audio driver which is no good lol...

TheJackAttack Mon, 11/01/2010 - 11:24

Yeah, I haven't really played with the XP virtual machine on Win7 because I have found Win7 to be pretty darn solid and enjoyable to use. I believe I did get Audition3 and the Fireface to play together and maybe the Onyx 1640 but honestly I don't remember well enough without recreating the whole procedure and testing.

Reaper ([[url=http://[/URL]=""]REAPER | Audio Production Without Limits[/]=""]REAPER | Audio Production Without Limits[/]) is an audio recording program like Cubase/Logic/Audition/Protools/Tracktion/etc. I use the 64bit version and like it well enough even in my beginning learning curve on it to have bought the inexpensive license. I have found it to have virtually no load on the computer even with a phase analyser and several tracks worth of light compression limiting going on.

I don't know yet whether it will replace Audition3 for everything but I don't rule it out either. Also, it's a good way to stretch my brain housing group as I was thinking I needed to Cubase/Samplitude/something anyway to be able to render some support for RO peoples anyway. But that route is expensive.

TheJackAttack Mon, 11/01/2010 - 18:52

Download and install this driver. It was released last April, 2009 so it is their newest 64bit driver.

Something is corrupted in the driver or you have too many usb connections active on your computer. Do you have a usb hard drive that is connected? If so, pull it off. Also, make sure you turn all the power saving crap off including screensavers etc.