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I own a pair of Sennheiser HD-280s and they work very well. Everything is fine except that my ears get extremley hot and sweaty, and this is very uncomfortable.

I would like to know how people usually deal with this problem, or if I am the only hot-eared wierdo on the forum.


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TeddyG Mon, 08/08/2005 - 04:55

Maybe you know someone who sews who could fashion you some cloth covers? Maybe cloth circles with rubber bands or safety pins or just string to hold 'em on? They'd look like the cloth covers on fancy jam jars... And if you picked the right fabric you'd be just so darned cute!

Possibly a set of phones already designed with "cloth" covers that you could buy several pair of the covers and rotate/clean them? Beyerdynamic DT-770's have cloth covers and replacements offered, but I don't know how fast they'd actually go on and off?

Maybe AKG already offers covers for just such a reason??? If they don't they should! Somebody should...


anonymous Mon, 08/08/2005 - 17:07

i got a pair of sennheisers, rubber pads and stuff, and i havent had trouble with sweat, even wearing them extended periods of time. maybe its just me though.

good headphones, really good customer support with the company (mine burned out, my fault, and they replaced for free without proof of purchase!!!).