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Hi all

Just gave my [=""]SJB VS[/]="http://www.elmerd.f…"]SJB VS[/] some TLC and thought I'd take some piccies for you amp-ophiles out there.

Check out Enjoy!

FYI: The amp is a handbuilt, point to point wired model made in Frome, Somerset (England) about 10 years ago. I have had it for the last 8 years and done nothing to it! Not sure if its class A or A/B but its about 50w in the original configuration (closer to 65w with the BIG tubes I have in it). I run it through a 2 x 12" sized cab loaded with Celestion 12" Vintage 30 and 10" Vintage 10. Its a good combination but sounds great through a 4 x 12" too!

Preamp valves are a mixed bunch Brimar ECC81, RCA Jan ECC81, GT ECC83 and some mystery thing that looks like another ECC81.

Power comes from 2 beautiful 6550B's (a Billingham Gold and a Svetlana). If you've not heard these valves they are stunning, very full and warm with lots of power. They roar in comparison to the usual 6L6 and EL34...

I will be replacing the power tubes in August with some [[url=http://="http://tubeampdocto…"]Tung-Sol 6550's[/]="http://tubeampdocto…"]Tung-Sol 6550's[/] from Tube Amp Doctor. I am still considering options for the preamp tubes, I don't want to lose my tone. I will post some audio clips when I get a decent sound out of my Palmer ADIG-LB! Failing that, when the neighbours go on holiday and I can drag out the SM57 - then CRANK it!




moonbaby Sun, 07/03/2005 - 08:17

Cool amp...I like the "unmatched-pair-of-6550s" output stage. I remember a Guitar Player mag interview with Jeff Beck MANY years ago. He described his favorite amp- a Sunn 100S (Solarus) with 2 odd 6500s that were "rusted in place" and how he would never replace them. I ran across a 100S about 5 years ago in immaculate shape with the original no-name "Made in USA" tubes. They were too gone, and I have replaced them with Svetlanas. It ROARS! Let us know how the Tung Sols do.

moonbaby Mon, 07/04/2005 - 04:52

You think that's smutty, I have a 1977 Orange 80 amp with the funky little graphics on the panel. I don't know how they did it, but the amp will crank 80 watts from a pair of EL34's. I hardly use it because it is so loud. Bought it new as a fan of Wishbone Ash, who toured with those amps. Sometimes, usually after a good belt of Wild Turkey, I'll hook my WEM Copycat tape echo up to it ( it has these little pics of snow-capped mountains to indicate the echo patch loop!) and pretend that I'm in Pink Floyd!!

Is that Fireworks in the Sky, or has the Peyote kicked In?

gambit Thu, 07/07/2005 - 04:04

Preamp valves are a mixed bunch Brimar ECC81, RCA Jan ECC81, GT ECC83 and some mystery thing that looks like another ECC81.

Quick update - the mystery valve is actually an EF86 - Pentode and is used to drive the reverb tank. I may try and hunt down a NOS (New old stock) Mullard version as these were some of the warmest valves around and will give a real depth to the 'verb.

Having re-seated all the valves, the kicked out twice as much volume as before - well worth checking people!



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