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I have been using these. they are a great perspective to use warming up.
I bought a Golden Age GA-47 and an Austrian Audio 818. I love these microphones. They are different and both really nice to record with. I have a stereo path of a Great River NV 2 and a Daking compressor.
Big purchases tend to both inspire me and guilt me into making sure that the material recorded is the best it can be. I am doing daily vocal warm ups, then record a vocal of a song, then analyze.
It is a marathon to see good improvement.


paulears Mon, 03/16/2020 - 05:37

I've worked with professional actors and singers for years - trained at prestigious places, and NONE of them use these, and despite having been trained all over Europe - their warm ups and exercises are very, very similar. I really cannot imagine any of them wearing these.

However, as a recording forum, we're not immune to gadgets, but these products would seem to be a joke product. Clearly there is science there to a degree, creating a conduit to the ears from the mouth, but there really isn't a need for this.