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I am a mac user mostly considering PC (speed)
but what I ask is ANUS?



Opus2000 Wed, 06/26/2002 - 09:38

ANUS=Asus Northwood User Society
See, a few months back I was building a system and tried a couple of options and so forth and came across a killer setup in which everyone jumped on board and got the same specs..
our buddy Audiohead, member of RO, named this system the ANUS since we all used the same specs..Asus and an Intel Northwood processor...
Thus the name ANUS has become quite famous here and I guess other huh? :roll:'s a fail safe kick ass system that has the balls and performance and upgradability to do what you want and need.
That answer that q for ya?!

Fozz Wed, 06/26/2002 - 10:03

Hi Ali,

(oh well, no one had replied when I started this, I took too long composing it, Opus beat me to the punch, so some of it is redundant)

ANUS = Asus Northwood Users Society


  • Asus, like in motherboards, in particular : the p4b266:
  • Northwood: name for new Intel processor (this is a correction to my original text ... see Opus' more detailed comments below)
    ANUS refers to a PC configuration created/discovered by Opus2000 our moderator.
    The acronym was created in this item:
    (Dead Link Removed)

    Unlike a Mac where you basically have one configuration to consider, in the Intel/AMD world you have a zillion combinations because there are many motherboard manufactures and many different chipsets on those motherboards and Intel or AMD processors supported by those motherboards/chpisets.

    The main question is: which combination is a safe one to use for recording audio.
    One answer is the ANUS PC.