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First I would like to know what you guys are using. Are most of you Mac guys or PC guys? Are you Sonar/Cakewalk or Cubase people? Then I would like to know what you guys are doing with this stuff? Is this just for your own amusement, or is anyone making seriously credible professional level music?
I am a guitar player(not a very good one at that) I have decided to join the in crowd now, since I don't know how to play guitar that well, I'll just learn to write songs(this is not a shot at you songwriters out there, just those guitar players of this new rock age that say the song is more important than a guitar players technical prowess-DAMN I miss the eighties).
Anyway for me it may not matter which recording software I'll get, as long as I can write songs, put down some music.
But if there is something out there that I can buy for $300- $600 that can get me pro results, then I would like to know.


anonymous Mon, 03/04/2002 - 18:11

600 USD should get you Logic - Which in my opinion is the better one out of Sonar, Cubase and Logic.

Me myself i use Propellerheads software mostly. I love the ease of use they provide, but at the same time they are very professional and get you professional results.

Im sure you may of heard, but it doesnt really matter what software you use - you need talent. Im not knockin' you, just pointing it out.

Good look in what you choose. Here are some links.

Doublehelix Tue, 03/05/2002 - 07:07

Well, you don't give us much to go on...$300 - $600 is your price range, but does that include the computer (I hope not!)? What about a sound card? Is the $300 - $600 just for software? Enlighten us just a bit more!

You are going to find a lot of different levels of expertise on this board, from pros to novices. Some of the advice is good, some of it is bad! ;) A lot of the tools we use nowadays can be used in both a amateur and a pro level.

For example, I am a musician who is doing lots of project work (I am working with 2 different projects), but don't record other acts for pay, so that makes me an "amateur", but I am also very picky about my sound, so I am using (mostly) pro-quality gear. Right now I am using Cubase/32 5.1, but am about to make the switch to Nuendo in the next few months, which is Steinberg's high-end professional as you can see...the lines get a bit blurry between professional tools and amateurs! :confused:

Anyway...back to your question...give us some more details please!


anonymous Tue, 03/05/2002 - 07:11

I'm using a Mac with Cubase VST/32. For my next project, I'm going to try out Digital Performer.

Everyone hates this answer, but try out different programs (Sonar, Cubase, Logic, DP, Nuendo, PT LE, Vegas/Acid) and see which one you get along with. You'll get the best results from a sequencer that you can use somewhat intuitively, regardless of how "good" it is, because you'll be able to 'work' and massage it easier. Personally, I don't get along well with Logic, Sonar, or ProTools. I get along really well with Cubase, but it has some serious limitations. DP and Nuendo are what I'm looking at upgrading to.

In lieu of getting demo software, or to narrow your search, look around each of the companies' tech support forums and read the kinds of problems people are having. (Tech support forums can be scary because you'll see exactly what the worst behaviour of a programme will be like. But just remember, that a) that's what the forum is for, and b) every piece of software is filled with people who have problems using it.) This will probably help you get a good feel for the software, and where its weak points are. IE, if you do not only a lot of MIDI sequncing but MIDI editing and you go to a company's forums and start reading all the problems the latest version has with its MIDI editor crashing or freezing, or that a particular programme has lousy/erratic support for the sound card you're using....get the idea?


anonymous Tue, 03/05/2002 - 09:11

The $300 to $600 would be just for the software.
I have used some Cakewalk programs, Homestudio, Clubtracks, Fruity Loops, I have even spent my 30 days with Sonar. I currently have the latest demo from Cubase, which I do believe is 5.1. I have a program called Magix audio studio, which is a lot cheaper ($70). The main things I don't like about it is that it doesn't support multiple inputs, and it doesn't have the beat map function that Sonar and others do. It doesn't support softsynths either.

Opus2000 Thu, 03/07/2002 - 10:16

Reason is a Midi Sequencer...not an audio multi-tracker..Reason is good for a side kick to Nuendo, DP or Cubase..
I use Nuendo and mainly use it for recreational purposes. I do occasionally do a mastering job with that and Wavelab and also some occasional mixing for bands that have their material on a hard disk unit and want to mix it with real waveform editing.
Depending on your needs is what software is best for you. Audio only..go with Cubase..Midi only..go with Sonar

Opus2000 Mon, 03/18/2002 - 06:52

Reason is a great program but you can not record audio into it!!! It's a MIDI sequencer in the long run..plain and simple. Or you could get Cubase and Reason and not have to buy all the soft synths and just use both of the programs with the Rewire mode. You cant reccomend a product and not tell them why it's good or not tell them the pro's and con's....
Again, Reason rocks and it's a great side-kick to Nuendo or Cubase with Rewire mode!

Opus2000 Thu, 03/21/2002 - 19:35

Originally posted by tundrkys:
Wow, you say audio only go with Cubase, and Midi only go with Sonar? I have always heard it the other way around. I will be doing mostly audio, and a little midi, depending on how well I like these virtual synths and stuff( if I can ever get my computer to run).

Man, sometimes I should slow down while scrolling..Sorry man...

The reason(no pun intended here!) I say go with Cubase because of the new SX version...I knew before you there :p
Anyhue...Sonar..I see that really as a toy offense to you cakewalk/sonar users..I'm not hip on wasnt there when I wanted it to work flawlessly and it still has issues..I speculate that Cakewalk wont be around much longer..I think Sonar hurt them. Nuendo is gaining it's customer base very rapidly these days..
I'm curious to see how many people actually use it now? Nuendo that's only been out a year man...not too bad on the progress it has done..1.0 vs 1.5....completely better feel.
Well, those my reasons y'all

Doublehelix Fri, 03/22/2002 - 02:41

Opus...have you seen Sonar 2??? I looked at a quick summary, and saw *nothing* that really impressed me (not like the Cubase SX release that "blew me away").

I have always thought that the Cakewalk stuff was good for introducing musicians to recording...that's the path that I took. Now I am using Cubase, with a planned upgrade this year to either Nuendo or Cubase SX.

Opus2000 Fri, 03/22/2002 - 06:01

James...nah..I dont even look at Cakewalk stuff...I pass it with my nose stuck up in the an arrogant stuck up audiophile that I am...lmao!
Cubase SX looks really cool..If you are thinking of upgrading I would wait until summer time when they release the new version of Nuendo..oh I know something here? hmmmm? Nah...

Doublehelix Fri, 03/22/2002 - 09:52

Well...I just got a card in the mail from Steinberg about Nuendo. They have a Sam Ash Nuendo tour going on, and if I attend and provide proof of Cubase ownership...I can get Nuendo at HALF PRICE!!! (sorry to yell...I got excited!) There is a location about 3 hours from here. This is obviously for version 1.6 (1.5x + VST System Link), but depending on the upgrade price to Nuendo 2.0, this might be the way to go!!! What do you think Opus??? Any idea what Steinberg is going to charge for the 2.0 upgrade?


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