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One question here: Why a channel doesn't appear to be muted in the mixer when I muted it in the arrange window (and viceversa)?

I tried the link option (top left corner chain turned purple) but it didn't solve the problem.

Is that normal?

What am I missing?

Also, panning in the mixer doesn't appear to affect the hyperdraw line in the arrange window, it's not big deal for me but... is it another link problem or is that a normal logic behaviour?



pan Mon, 04/01/2002 - 11:09

Hi Capi, you are misunderstanding the Track-mute in Arrange with the Mute-button on an Audio-object - these are two totally different animals:

Track-mute is used i.e. when you have three guitar-tracks on the same Audio-object (Voice) and you want to compare them. (Same as muting a Region. It also doesn't read the file, if muted. You propably experience a delayed mute/demute, if done in Arrange)

The Mute-button mutes the Audio-object (Voice) and works in realtime. (like the Solo-button)

Also, panning in the mixer doesn't appear to affect the hyperdraw line in the arrange window, it's not big deal for me but... is it another link problem or is that a normal logic behaviour?

In v4.x, Automation is achieved with Channel-Splitters for the Audio-Objects. You either have to record the panning on a seperate Track, or to manually draw the pan in Hyperdraw.

...or update to 5.

HTH, Niko
