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This may be of interest to some, a Physically Modelled acoustic guitar in VSTi. I have used it since the free beta days.

http://www.spicygui…"]Keolab Spicy Guitar[/]="http://www.spicygui…"]Keolab Spicy Guitar[/]

The only product available is the VSTi plugin . This thing has a recommended retail of 150 euros, but there is a 'launch offer' price of 15 euro.

The new version is a huge step up from the free Phys Mod VSTis around like StringThing or String Theory.

You get 9 nylon and steel guitars to choose from, midi can be mapped to string per channel, so you can get great realistic playback of Guitar Pro files.

One user has said he is getting good crunch sounds for powerchords too, putting an ampsI'm after the instrument.

Oh, yeah, and it also has auto chord detection (keyboard style) and auto strum, for the keyboardists.

I've programmed a classical piece on it and its definitely way more enjoyable to listen to than samples.

here's a demo on youtube:

- hamish

PS thnks for embedding the vid...

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wyndzybeatz Fri, 06/26/2015 - 02:52

Am a sound engineer
I have been into sound mixing
For bout 2 years now but now I want
To learn more skill
To improve my mixing skills
Just what know the plugin I should go
For that can make maxing sound quality
And how to use them I. There real
Time now o realize that with this I will be
Equip with new review plugins
Thanks very much for creating a site like this

wyndzybeatz Fri, 06/26/2015 - 03:03

This a new product I have produced
In this year
Call me if u like it
On this 0573760006




Attached files Rich prize Blood Shear ( pro by wyndzy ).mp3 (5.4 MB)  wyndzy freesyle version.mp3 (3 MB)  Wyndzy ft Nails & Xceed -Babe How Could U Prod. by Wynzy~1.mp3 (3.2 MB) 

DonnyThompson Fri, 06/26/2015 - 03:29

wyndzybeatz, post: 430185, member: 49238 wrote: To learn more skill
To improve my mixing skill, Just what know the plugin I should go
For that can make maxing sound quality

There is no "magical" plug-in which will "automatically" make your mixes sound great, or even better, for that matter.

The quality of your final mix is determined by the quality of the equipment that is being used, ( mics, preamps, converters, monitors, etc.) along with the knowledge of the engineer and his/her abilities, which includes understanding what the various audio tools do, how they work, when to use them, and probably most importantly... when NOT to use them. Half of audio engineering is really more about knowing what not to do.

Any plug in processor, regardless of its quality, can damage a mix if it isn't used correctly; if it is left in the hands of someone who doesn't know how it works and what it does, or who foolishly thinks that these processors are some kind of magical one-button "fix-all" feature. There is no such thing. By the same token, there are many great processors out there that can be very useful, and which can assist the engineer in improving the fidelity of the mix - if the engineer knows how to use them.

But understanding the foundational principles and workings of digital audio, and having an in-depth knowledge of how all the various tools in the digital and analog domain work, is far more important than relying on a handful of processor plugs to do the job for you.

paulears Fri, 06/26/2015 - 04:02

I usually hate old topic dredged up = but I hadn't heard the spicy guitar, and just downloaded it for free, and it's rather nice - I guess they charge for the extra sounds which is a nice system. I'll give it a go and see what it can do - so thanks for that!

as for the track links? What have they got to do with spicy guitar, or even guitar VSTi's?

DonnyThompson Fri, 06/26/2015 - 22:27

paulears, post: 430193, member: 47782 wrote: What have they got to do with spicy guitar, or even guitar VSTi's?

It doesn't really... I think he is a new member who was perhaps searching for a place to present some VSTi's he had used. I answered him because... well, because I did.
I guess I got focused on his "is there one plug I can use to make everything great" comment.

I'm a little surprised that you and Chris like this VSTi, Paul. To each his own, of course, and it's all completely relative to what we like to record, so there is no "right" or "wrong"...
But personally, I found the sound of the Spicy Guitar sim to sound average - at best.

I guess I wasn't as impressed by it as others here obviously were. Although the fact that it's free certainly makes it more acceptable.

IMHO of course.

DonnyThompson Sun, 06/28/2015 - 02:24

Agreed... that being said, I don't think that this renders this VSTi totally useless, either... as there might be certain tracks where a less-than-real sound might actually work well for certain songs.

Older synthesizer string patches sounded nothing like real strings, but they had their own texture, and they could sound great for what they were.

If you listen to compositions from people like Wendy Carlos ( Switched on Bach, The Shining soundtrack, etc.,) those sounds were great choices for how she used them, regardless of the fact that those Moog string patches didn't sound anything at all like real strings. In that case, that didn't matter because it sounded so good for how they were used, in the context of how she used them.

I guess I'm suggesting that I don't believe that a VSTi necessarily needs to sound "realistic" to what its name implies - in order to be useful. If it serves a certain purpose because of its own sound, then that's good enough.

I feel very similar about the plethora of vintage processing plugs that are out there right now... so, okay, maybe UAD's version of a Fairchild 670 doesn't sound just like a real 670... or maybe T-Rack's 1176 doesn't sound exactly like a real 1176, or that a Waves Pultec EQ plug doesn't sound just like a real Pultec - but that doesn't mean that they still can't be very useful tools, for what they do, and for how they sound.

And again, considering that this Spicy Guitar VSTi is free, I don't feel I have any right to complain about its lack of realism. ;)

IMHO of course.


paulears Sun, 06/28/2015 - 04:31

Good point - I doubt anyone would want to use a guitar vast like this if it was the focal point of a song, but for most songs, it's perhaps a filler instrument. I tend to use real guitars, but I have two 12 strings and neither actually sound that nice, and one really is difficult to keep in tune - so I'd quite like something chord and a bit jangly I could layer up - and this may well do it fine?

pcrecord Tue, 06/30/2015 - 02:50

I'm a real guy Donny. If it says guitar, it better sound like a guitar ;)
But hey, that's just me.

I've been hired to play drums live with a click track and a SoundCanvas next friday. I'm in my 3rd week of practice and I'm bored with the soundcanvas unrealistic guitars and other instruments.. But what would you expect? It was made in the late 80s after all. I keep telling the producer it sounds like crap and when I make him listen to the best vsti, he just reply that it just sound different to him, not better ! LOL
Anyway, that's the last gig I'm doing for him..

DonnyThompson Tue, 06/30/2015 - 10:03

LOL.. the guy who you're playing with has an actual sound canvas? Man, I thought those things disappeared when Clinton was still President. ;)

Personally, I never liked them. I heard people go on and on about how "great" they sounded, and I never understood that... to me they were just FM synthesis in a box... cold, sterile, and if I never have to hear their version ( or Yamaha's DX7) of a "Rhodes" piano ever again, that would be just fine by me. ;)