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Looks like I'm not the only one thinking about how to use remote access etc to open up your studio to the world virtually. I'm perhaps behind the curve. This thing looks really cool and useful, wish I had it a couple years ago, woulda saved hours and many miles and CD-Rs. There's no doubt in my mind that networked audio is "the new now".

Between this, and source connect, it's now possible to record someone in realtime via the internet, and stream your mix for audition/approval. Very cool. This is a reasonable price imho (99/year), with source connect around 2k, it's much less available to rhe project studio owner. I hope this doesn't however, mean that we're seeing an end to software ownership, since some people like to own.


pcrecord Thu, 09/14/2017 - 06:05

Hum.. I'm guessing we can do the same with Skype, if you choose the main outs of your interface as mic input. Althought the audio quality may not be as good..
I guess the subscription thing is bugging me..
But there are a few other meeting apps that might do the trick. GotoMeeting, webex etc..

Also what happen to those with slow internet, do they get lower quality sound ?

Ah we're getting there don't we !! ;)

kmetal Thu, 09/14/2017 - 14:05

pcrecord, post: 452753, member: 46460 wrote: Also what happen to those with slow internet, do they get lower quality sound ?

That's a real good question.

I think, if I remember correctly the free version of skype is MONO only, considering it's aimed at video / voice conferencing

I'm also not a fan of subscription models for my software. For entertainment things like pandora or Netflix I'm fine with it.

But with the a/v and even office software, it's almost like a carpenter renting a hammer.

I think all Subs should have an option to buy. Just mho.

My initial idea was just to have he client access One of my NAS drives, and skype/FaceTime with them while they listen, and/or use windows Remote Desktop to tweak their session on their computer. iPads and iPhones can acesss windows via route desktop.

I don't see why it wouldn't be possible just to set up a live stream portal right on your own website.

But I'm so green with all these concepts.

pcrecord Fri, 09/15/2017 - 10:36

kmetal, post: 452766, member: 37533 wrote: the free version of skype is MONO only,

That might be..

kmetal, post: 452766, member: 37533 wrote: My initial idea was just to have he client access One of my NAS drives,

You could be but then if you give the access to read they could also copy the file to their computer.

The idea to add something to the sound like demo voice or noise to avoid them using an unfininshed product is very appealing to me but I'm not sure all customer would regard well, Some may accuse us of not trusting them..
But then, I found one of my customer has recently started to sell a CD with 5 unfinished song we started together.. even 1 with a temporary drum loop, unmixed.. :eek:
The good thing is, my name mention nowhere but it makes me wonder...

That would be fun to have an easy solution for us and our customer that doesn't cost much.

kmetal Sat, 09/16/2017 - 09:16

pcrecord, post: 452786, member: 46460 wrote: That might be..

You could be but then if you give the access to read they could also copy the file to their computer.

The idea to add something to the sound like demo voice or noise to avoid them using an unfininshed product is very appealing to me but I'm not sure all customer would regard well, Some may accuse us of not trusting them..
But then, I found one of my customer has recently started to sell a CD with 5 unfinished song we started together.. even 1 with a temporary drum loop, unmixed.. :eek:
The good thing is, my name mention nowhere but it makes me wonder...

That would be fun to have an easy solution for us and our customer that doesn't cost much.

Selling an unfinished CD. That's rediculous. I learned the hard way that someone will spend a year in the room with you, and screw you for the last $500. It's not just starving artists either, labels screw the studios and engineers, radio airplay and digital streaming can screw the artist. I've been gypt by clubs... lol the biusness side of music really does suck.

I will say that the majority of the clients and clubs have been reliable and true to the agreement.

I guess one way to avoid things would be to only preview a short or cut up version of the tune.

It seems like streaming and the watermark idea are a good way, since the client would have to have some sort of high quality or lossless screen capture capability.

The studios rule was don't let clients get behind more than one seasons payment, or you have to stop giving them the CD-Rs at the end of the night. This generally works well. It doesn't stop them from releasing those versions, or posting them on social media, but at least your not working for free.

lol that's really ridiculous about one of the tunes your talking about having a temp drum loop on it. lol it doesn't stop.

pcrecord Sun, 09/17/2017 - 14:28

kmetal, post: 452796, member: 37533 wrote: and screw you for the last $500

Make that 50$ lol

kmetal, post: 452796, member: 37533 wrote: This generally works well. It doesn't stop them from releasing those versions, or posting them on social media, but at least your not working for free.

They booked me and cancelled 3 times already and it's after that I discovered the selling CD.
Thing is, I've been following them lately. They do a lot of live facebook shows and it's all crap which makes me consider not wanting to work with them anymore...
I'm aiming for quality and they are aiming lowres... We might just not be compatible... ;)