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hello, I was wondering what you all do with it.
I know its used for editing waves, but I would like to know excatly what you can do with it and why not use the editing tools that comes with in the software like Logic. Pro Tools etc.

And is there any god tutorials on the web about SoundForge?

Wanna know if its worth look into.

Thanks for your answers :)


lorenzo gerace Sun, 12/29/2002 - 01:43

I too use Sound Forge as my 2 track editor.

I really like it for the final editing and mastering of my finished mixes, altough recently I've been doing these same operations within Pro Tools, which is my main DAW. I like to use it as the "final" refining tool, where I create the fade ins/outs of the tracks, normalize, and ultimately master the tracks using various plugins; I started using it with 4.5 version, because I fell in love with CD Architect, and when version 5.0 came out (now 6.0) I had to find a way to use CD Architect as a stand alone version, but I also grew to like the Sound Forge app. I never felt comfortable with Wavelab (thoug I think it's a great program), since I got so used to SF that changing habits wasn't easy for me.
Lately anyway I'm experimenting with Pro Tools to perform mastering, thanx to its real-time plugins and hardware I/O, it's a great tool; it depends a lot on the project I'm working on.

Hope this helps.


anonymous Tue, 01/07/2003 - 05:43

I love sound forge. Been using it for years.
I agree there's not much you can't do with it.

I prefer it for doing very precise editing and I also find it is an EXCELLENT loop editor for sampler work.

I also use wavelab and like it very much. I prefer it to sound forge when I have to do editing of LARGE sections. An example of this is breaking down a long 2 track live recording. Sound forge takes a LONG time to process with its algorithms.

I also prefer wavelab for realtime anaylsis and prosumer mastering.

Both programs have their strengths and weaknesses IMO.

anonymous Tue, 01/07/2003 - 14:22

I think it's that most engineers are so fimilar with using Soundforge. I have been using it for years and when I record to my protools/G4 rig I do not use the editing for master editing. I may use it to edit a track but not 2 track. I'll dump it to disk and sit at my PC and edit in peace. Soundforge is very ez to use, anyone with any audio experience should be able to get around on it, and it's cheap. lol

Good Luck,


Doublehelix Wed, 01/08/2003 - 04:08

I started out with Sound Forge, and used it for about a year or so, and then switched to Wavelab. I really love Wavelab, and find it more intuitive to work with. I made the switch to WL since SF could no longer burn CDs to Red Book Specs after dropping CD Arch in v. 5.

I know that they just released CD Architect as a stand-alone app now, and it is about time! They lost me as a customer when they dropped it, and now that I know and love Wavelab, I can't imagine going back to SF...

anonymous Fri, 01/10/2003 - 13:12

Sound Forge & I go way back (SF 4.0). I use it fairly regularly for 2-trk editing and some other processing.


I find that editing in Vegas Video 3 is actually better than editing in SF 6.0. The ability to do crossfades by splitting regions and sliding them along the timeline and having multiple tracks to do whatever kind of mixing I need is invaluable. I edit and master a 2-track recording of a live show every week and use VV3 as the tool of choice to edit and master the project. I can edit the segues and manipulate volumes much easier with multiple tracks. Fades are much faster and easier in VV3. Also, I apply all plugs necessary to master the program within VV3 as well.

There is one tool in SF 6.0 that I use frequently that VV3 does not have......pencil tool. In that case, I have to open up the file in SF 6.0 and use the pencil and then save it and continue working in VV3. Not really a big deal as long as I'm SURE I really want to keep what I have just done to the wav in SF 6.0.

I guess what I'm trying to say is:
If you use BOTH SF 6.0 AND VV3, there will be practically nothing you will not be able to do.

(Except real-time spectrum analysis - where you can adjust the response time of the curve. I sure wich I had a tool for doing that!)