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Has anyone tried the new Behringer tube pre, i'm looking at getting a really cheap tube pre and this one is ridiculously cheap. Is there a reason for the cheap price of $79 CDN, yet does it still get the job done sounding good? Ponder that.



vinniesrs Tue, 07/08/2003 - 21:53

If there has ever been anyone open to cheap gear it's me. Mr. Budget record guy. I do much better now, but in the past I have had to resort to many things that still haunt my dreams. One of these things was the purchase of the behringer autocomp pro. This has to be one of the worst things i've ever seen. I also have a virtualizer pro, which is okay, i use it, good programs and clean, but nothing fantastic. As far as I can see, there are two items available from behringer I would buy. They have a 4 ch gate unit which works real good, and I like the D.I's. I have trouble believing that this $79 tube pre is worth purchasing. I would suggest that whatever pre you have, in whatever board you have, would be just as good as the behringer pre.

I hear that the rnp is a good value. A little more money, but let me ask you this:

Would you do a gig with a $79 guitar amp? I would save up to buy the marshall, fender, or vox, etc., and in the meantime I would rent or borrow. A $79 guitar amp sounds like crap, in most situations.

The only uses I have found for my behringer comp, is when I intentionally want to make a sound edgier, like a snare drum, or a funky bass.
It sucks for everything else, and the controls on it are inacurate.

Have I got my money's worth? Yes.
Would I buy another one? No.
Should you LOOK, (listen)at the behringer? Yes.

Get an Idea what it does to a sound, and a/b it with something real good. Decide with your ears. Believe your ears. Be suspicious of every product, and don't believe Hype. Listen to the advice of someone who isn't selling you something. You probably don't want to spend $3000 right now, but comparing extremes will give you a good idea of what will suit you in a pre, and let you know if a bad choice will lead you into trouble.


KurtFoster Tue, 07/08/2003 - 22:22

Originally posted by golli:
Havent tryed that one myself, just email Kurt Foster about it, he will give you a short, and to the point answer about it :D

Are you trying to get me into trouble golli? :D I just extracated my foot from my mouth. I am not about to sick it back in (at least not for today). :D

Nope never used it! Never heard it! I don't know sh*t about it.. It could be the best thing since sliced white bread! (really!) :D

vinniesrs Tue, 07/08/2003 - 22:54

Hey, extreme! I don't want to discourage you, as I know that a studio is a big investment, but I have done quite a few good sounding recordings using plain old pre's from the board.

It doesn't matter how you get a sound recorded, it just matters that you do it cleanly, and it sounds good.

When you start out it's important to buy devices of quality. In my opinion. I could be wrong about it, but you really should hear for yourself.

Hey, Guys! I heard that ford waz coming out with a $10,000 sports car that looks and feels like an italian sports masterpeice! It's called the Pintoratti! :D Apparently does 0-60 in less than 3 sec and a 10 sec 1/4 mile! All this at 40mpg! (in the spirit of ford motorcar gear analagies, and good fun!)

If it looks too good to be true, It probably is!

anonymous Wed, 07/09/2003 - 03:51

I've had an Ultragain for a little over a year.It's done a fine job for most everything I've used it on.The older it gets the more I think of it as a bic lighter, use it until it stops working and then throw it away. Now mine gets a bit dirty after it's been on for more than 5 or 6 hours but before that, it's fine.Would I buy another, I don't know.

sheet Wed, 07/09/2003 - 06:10

Since Kurt won't do it, I will. It is not a tube mic pre.

It is the same mic pre chip that is in all of their other crap, which is the same mic pre chip that is in all of Mackie's crap. It is not just the chip that dictates what the noise and the RF rejection will be. It's what you do with that chip. Now, the tube is not getting any real voltage to speak of. It is added in the circuit for distortion. This is a hybrid circuit.

As long as you understand that you are paying $79 bucks for a box that the sum total of it's parts is worth about $30 max, and you are not expecting world-class tube sound (or even a good noticable improvement over what you have now) then go for it.

I used all of that new tube crap at a festival last year. My console was a Midas XL4, and the PA was a V-DOSC line array. I gave it a try.

KurtFoster Wed, 07/09/2003 - 11:07

Originally posted by Bobby Loux:

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
It could be the best thing since sliced white bread! (really!) :D

"white Bread' what kind of racial slur is that!......whats wrong with wheat or rye, or even French bread?...on second thought forget the French bread!...did I get ya? :D Bobby Loux,
Ya like that? It's my new sig line.. See I have an opinion about the Behringer, but I don't want to voice it because I have never gone out and wasted $79 on one so I really can't say how it sounds. Hell it just might be the best sounding mic pre on the planet for all I know. Maybe Rupert Neve, EveAnna Manley, Sebatron, Dan Kennedy and Doug Fearn should just curl up and die, because hell, this Behringer pre might be the best thing to come along since the wheel. WHOOPIE!!! There is a free lunch! (please detect sarcasm) Kurt

anonymous Wed, 07/09/2003 - 13:29

Originally posted by Kurt Foster:
See I have an opinion about the Behringer, but I don't want to voice it because I have never gone out and wasted $79 on one so I really can't say how it sounds.

So far you haven't seemed to need to hear something before forming strong opinions about how it sounds. Why start now?

KurtFoster Wed, 07/09/2003 - 14:06

Oh, I have an opinion but I am keeping it to myself in spite of the fact that Extreme PMed me this morning and asked for it knowing I hadn't used or heard the behringer tube pre before. I thank Brent for being helpful on this one. I think Brent would be an excellent moderator. Some people are interested in what other people think based on their life experience, despite the fact that they may not have any personal hands on with it. IMO it is impossible for anyone to have used every piece of gear. However I do believe that experience can help them in making a conclusion based on the facts at hand. Do I have to eat sh*t to know it won't taste good? No I don't think I do.. Kurt

Guest Wed, 07/09/2003 - 14:22

I have yet to hear a Berringer product that sounds good to my ear. In fact, I think that they make the most useless gear out there. I've owned a couple of the compressors, and they were AWFUL sounding. AWFUL!!!

I think you can get a Presonus MP20 for $350 on eBay, which is a 2 channel mic pre...and those things sound beautiful.

My advice, don't waste your money on Berringer, save up for something good.

Davedog Wed, 07/09/2003 - 15:34

I think Behringer stuff sounds absolutely Marvelous!Their compressors are at least as good as my Alesis 3630 which ,as we all know, is the best compressor on EARTH none.I'm hoping that sometime soon, the Guitar Center Professional Audio Department has a BIG sale so I can buy me a couple of these units.They make my Atari system just really sound great.Did I tell you that I've learned to incorporate the sound of the Pong game into all my new songs.I think this gives me quite an edge on everybody else.

Did my ass fall off during that?? :s: :s: :s:

anonymous Thu, 07/10/2003 - 03:53

The guy asked a question and I gave my unbiased opinion. I've taken measures to be able to afford nicer gear but in the last two years the budget has been minimal at best. I CAN promise you that this pre sounds better than the pre's on my 880 or my POS mixer, neither of which I use any more but thats why I bought it. Keep in mind it's a cheap pre and will act as such!

Rod Gervais Thu, 07/10/2003 - 06:05

Originally posted by J. Slator:

So far you haven't seemed to need to hear something before forming strong opinions about how it sounds. Why start now?

And you J Slator apparently don't need provocation before making yourself look foolish..... yet once again........

If you have an opinion on the gear please share it with us - if your only opinions are about the people here - please keep them locked up in youself.

Some of us are here to learn - others to teach - and we don't really need or want to listen to people whos only goal in life seems to be bashing other human beings.

All of that having been said - i still wish you...

Happy Hunting


Rod Gervais Thu, 07/10/2003 - 06:44

originally posted by: sheet

Did you know that if you were to put on a hat, some glasses and strap on lucite guitar, you could be Skunk Baxter? From a distance anyway.


Maybe if the lights were real dim in the room, and everyone looking at me was blind...... and very drunk - :D :D

LOL - i think i'll take that as a compliment.. Jeff "Skunk" Baxter is one magnificent guitarist... I've always loved his work - and his ability to work in different musical genres and make it all happen so beautifully.

Happy Hunting


jdsdj98 Thu, 07/10/2003 - 08:58

I've avoided getting involved in threads like this out of a desire to not stir things up any more than they already had been, but this is getting absolutely ridiculous, and I need to get this off my chest.

Oh man, I'm gonna feel so much better.

Yet another perfectly good, informative thread has been driven south by detractors.

Things I like about RO:

1. It's an incredibly helpful, FREE, informative, FREE, laid back, FREE source of a wealth of information, and provides access to an incredibly talented and experienced group of industry veterans (both moderators and members) from which to obtain said information.

2. Until recently, egos have always been checked at the door, and flames and mud were non-existent.

What lends credibility to an individual:

1. Willingness to use one's name to back up statements/positions/opinions/facts.

2. Willingness to put one's reputation on the line by accepting a role of leadership.

3. A proven work history, and a willingness and desire to tell others "what I've done."

4. Present lifestyle and/or position of employment.

I say this in defense of Kurt and all other moderators here. THAT'S CRED, MAN, no way around it, and I value and respect that and their opinions. I consider myself reasonably intelligent, as I do all other members here, and able to distinguish when I can take something that's been said as hearsay, or take it to the bank. And when I determine it to be hearsay, I then am able to do my own homework to ascertain the facts I need to fill in holes left by the answers given to my inquiries.

For those that wish to remain as detractors on this site, I ask of you, on behalf of myself and those that feel the same, that given your knowledge and experience, please step up to the calling and become moderators here, as it seems Chris needs a little help. You obviously (or maybe "apparently" should be the word of choice) have knowledge that we all could benefit from. I value everyone's opinions here, until their opinions become DESTRUCTIVE in these discussions instead of being CONSTRUCTIVE, which I believe is why we ALL are here.

I really don't want to fan the flames any more here , or anywhere else for that matter, but the past month or so has seen a pretty big change around this place, owed in large part to a small number of members that pollute these boards with irrelevant and unnecessary personal attacks. And I think we all know when what we have to say will be taken as constructive or destructive. Please consider how you contribute here and choose the former.

Thanks to all for contributing.

chrisperra Thu, 07/10/2003 - 17:00

it does seem that lately there are more punters on here that want to put each other down and get into a pissing contest about who knows the most.

i'm here because i would like to ask questions about gear and techniques that i don't know about. and provide answers regarding what i do..

not slam people because of "my opinions" on there answers given to help others. if you don't like an answer and you have a better one, post it, "diplomatically".

but don't start an arguement that makes this forum look like a bunch of wankers.

we are all intelligent people, that know alot about what "we" know induvidually. know one knows everything, that's why we are here.

chris perra

chrisperra Thu, 07/10/2003 - 17:07

regarding the behringer tube pre. i don't own one but i do have a behringer tube composer.

and it's very good. for the money it's a great deal. the big downside for me on all behringer products is that the quality control on some items isn't that great.

but when it does work it's way better than anything else in it's price range "in my opinion".

if you have a limited budget, and you don't think you will be picking up a pre that costs $500 or more i would say to definitley check out the behringer stuff.

chris perra

Guest Thu, 07/10/2003 - 17:15


I've owned:

and had the misfortune of using:

I also used the V-Amp...and thought it to be the worst amp mod in the world.

This next comment is not aimed at you Golli, more at those that think it's unfair that people comment on manufacturers that they've had bad experiences with. Forgive me for saying so, I don't want to start a flame war here, but...for the love of God, if I've had three different Ford's crap out on me, I think it's fair for me to comment on Ford's in general. Believe it or not...a company can have a funny thing called a REPUTATION. It's 100% fair for others to make generalizations based on their experience with a company and their products. I have heard several Behringer products, and know from my experience that they have not built a single product that was even acceptable to my ear. I based my comment on that, I said I hadn't heard the piece of equipment in question, I gave my honest to goodness experience with Behringer gear, and I told the truth.

If you don't like what I said, tell me about the good experiences you've had with their gear, and disagree. Me, saying what I said, and others giving their 2 cents, is totally relavent to the question posed...TOTALLY. If I was unaware that a certain company produced mainly crap, and was asking about a specific product, I'd hope that people would tell me that the COMPANY has a bad rep.

It's Behringer's responsibility to improve their reputation if they so desire, otherwise, most of us out here will continue to point people in a different direction.

That was my 15 cents. :c:

golli Thu, 07/10/2003 - 18:06

regarding the behringer tube pre. i don't own one but i do have a behringer tube composer.

and it's very good. for the money it's a great deal. the big downside for me on all behringer products is that the quality control on some items isn't that great.

but when it does work it's way better than anything else in it's price range "in my opinion".

if you have a limited budget, and you don't think you will be picking up a pre that costs $500 or more i would say to definitley check out the behringer stuff.

I agree with you, totally. My experience with the Beh.... stuff is either wery good or WERY bad. I can really summarise it to: The cheap Analog gates and comps ( own 2 compressors and 1 gate) are wery good, for my needs anyway.
The digital gear I've owned from them were total crap. Had a Virtualiser, which is a Multieffect unit and sounded bad, just funny, stupid sounding algorithms and trying to dial in freqency rolloffs didnt change a thing. But maybe could have given it more time and learning curve for myself. Was'nt even shure if it sounded funny because of the conversion or what but I got rid of it.
The next digital unit I tryed was the Ultramiser, which I got to do my own mastering. Well every thing about that one was funny or stupid, for instance compression ratio was called something else, can't remember now, in fact every thing had a different name to it than I'm used to, allways had to look up the manual to see what this and that name reffered to.
It had a stereo maximiser (if I remember corectly), that sounded like the worst reverb I'd ever heard (again funny algorithm programming on their part).
So I'd written Behringer of, until I worked with one of the most experienced live sound/studio engineer here, who was in the process of putting together a live sound outboard rack, from the company that imports Lexicon, TC-Electronics, Klark-Tecnik, DBX, Drawmer and Allen&Heath. He could choose what he wanted and he chose TC for effects and (get this) BEHRINGER comp's and gates, I of course asked him why and he said "well the DBX compressors go well with vocals and such but are to slow for drums and bass, and there is so much loss of signal thru the Drawmer gates". This guy has 3 decades of work behind him and he has even built his own stuff for some special needs.
I also like the fact that my comp's and gate dont have their coloration, but that's just my personal preference. One other thing I like about Behringer is they have all sort of cheap stuff they call audio solutions like headphone amp, little line mixers, cable tester and so on etc, etc.
On the topic of preamps, I'm scratching my head these days if to buy a cheap 8pre D/A Behringer front end or go with a Presonus 8pre unit. Most likely, my decicion will be based on budget. I dont need a expencive extra 8 channels, if I'm recording something that is to be heard and be liked , I will overdub.
Sorry for the long post, but in short: some Behringer stuff can do good things . :roll:

anonymous Thu, 07/10/2003 - 18:52

Thanx for the input, I find behringer makes good little portable line mixers so I figured getting the tube pre would have a 1 up on the little mixers pre's. I have lost $ from a Modulizer i bought and used once I found the thing pretty useless (it still sits in the box). The biggest restraint here is lack of income and that $10,000 debt hovering above me from school. However I do have about $300 US reserved for a good preamp or line mixer to get me going. I have a digital 8 track, decent monitors and a burner, my interest is sound design so I'm hoping I get this little operation going as cheap and as well sounding as I can for my budget.



KurtFoster Thu, 07/10/2003 - 21:00

Extreme, (and friends)
Check out the Studio Projects VTB 1 mic pre. I haven't used one yet but I have one here that Studio Projects was good enough to send out to me to use in the mic pre comparisons. I have some other work stacked up that I have to do first (a review of the Speck Electronics ASC eq's ) but when I finish that, I am going to start a new round of samples of all the mic pres to post, so you all can hear them and make your own decisions. I only wish that all companies were as responsive as Studio Projects has been. They have been very busy and back ordered but Alan has always responded to my inquiries and explained why he couldn't get a certain piece out to me. The up side is I finally received a "Care Package" from Alan and Studio Projects that included a VTB 1, a C3 a pair of C4s and a B1 .. So I have my work for the summer cut out for me. Lots of new stuff coming from Audix (I was at the factory today, took lots ‘o pics, watch for them soon) and I just received a pair of Yamaha MSP5's to shake down and suss out!

chrisperra Thu, 07/10/2003 - 22:34


to me, bashing a product or company is fine.... i don't have a problem ripping on bad quality, value or service. i welcome that advice whole heartidly.


bashing "someone" who is giving advice because they were asked a question, is non productive. and we spend all our time getting hotheaded ,defensive, and then bitch about how poorly we treat each other.

i don't think anyone who finds this forum gets excited about it,and takes the time to register. does so with the intention of spending part of there day arguing with each other.

to extreeme...

maybe check out the vintage 1953 stereo tube pre if you are looking at's $379 in canada and i believe that there is a big difference in sound quality between that one and the $79 one as well.

i know how hard it is to want serious gear. but not have enough money to get it.

i also know how it feels when the right answer is to save your money and buy a killer peice of gear that will hold it's value and make a big difference in ease of life and sound quality.

unfortunately i tend, to buy things i need now to complete a job so i can make money to buy the real gear later. it never ends...

good luck

chris perra

anonymous Thu, 07/10/2003 - 23:44

Thanks Chris, do you know of any other killer preamps for a good price besides behringer? I've found newer ones like Presonus Tube pre, dbx minipre, and the studio projects one kurt mentioned, but is there an older one in which I could pickup off ebay or something that would be similar with my tight budget kept in mind?

chrisperra Thu, 07/10/2003 - 23:55

i compared a dbx mini pre to my behringer 602 mixer mic input, setting the behringer at unity gain. i really, really wanted to like the dbx pre more. because i'd wanted to have an upgrade as well.

but, i personally like the 602 better with what i ran through it. it was just my vocal. i guess i like less characterized or warmed mucking with my signal.

i was at a buddy's studio , he has an "art" mono mini pre. it has presets for various instruments. i think it was around 200 bucks. he really liked it, but i've haven't used one.

chris perra

Rod Gervais Fri, 07/11/2003 - 04:52

HI all,

I wanna chip in here - now that i know anything about anything - i was just getting lonely and wanted some company...... :D

I think that a lot of it has to do with ones needs.......

One other question i suppose - which is - would i reccomend it to anyone else - and the answer is "yes" - in fact i steered a buddy of mine away from a Mackie board to a Behringer for his band (he also has a career) and they have been nothing shy of happy with it.......... so it may not be the equipment to die for........... but it has a place in the world... :p:

Happy Hunting
