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Hey guys .. i've heard alotta ppl talk abt something ... a DI box or something ... i'm not even sure what they're talkin abt ... but the problem is ... i've heard some ppl talkin abt somethn they put in their recording chain that reduces hiss or somethn ... like

Mic --> Preamp --> [X] --> Recording device

now the [X], whatever it is .. supposedly reduces hiss & stuff .. can ANYONE tell me what it is or does anything like that even exists? ...

thanks in advance :)


pr0gr4m Mon, 02/20/2006 - 04:48

All that's a bit to vague to give you any sort of accurate reply...

But if I were to guess, rather than HISS, they may have been talking about HUMM. If that is the case, that may be why there were talking about a DI Box. Many Direct Injection boxes have something called a Ground Lift, generally in the form of a switch. If the signal coming through the DI Box has some HUMM, you can engage the Ground Lift on the DI Box to try and eliminate it.

BTW...The information above should NOT be used as [X] in your diagram above. A DI Box is normally used for instruments and not microphones.

As a matter of fact, I have no idea what would be used in position [X] in your diagram to remove HISS or HUMM...other than an EQ or some sort of filter.

anonymous Mon, 02/20/2006 - 08:21

maybe an A/D converter, it will usually add dither which fixes any quantization error that may occur when recording, but it will not account for his because dither adds white noise a a very low level about -5dB so if you record at 24 bit it will have it in there at -141to-139dB of white noise but you cant hear that low it really helps on quiet parts. Most of your ins on a digital recorder will have an A/D converter of some kind. But this wont fix a hiss or humm