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When mixing, does anyone feel as though they have a dominant side/ear? Meaning, is there a side (L-R) that you sort of build your mixes around when you pan and mix? Do you find yourself putting a favorite track on a specific side and than building your mix around that?

I ask this because ill sometimes find myself doing this. Ill usually begin to build my mixes in the high-endfirst. Being that the high hat is usually placed more towards the left in my mixes, i build my mix around the left ear in a sense, which is my dominant side. However, it doenst appear to hinder my mixing ability or give the mix an unbalanced feel (at least i HOPE NOT!), it just simply gives me a starting point. Though, it depends for what kind of mix I'm doing as well. For example, i use the high hat when I'm mixing a ''band mix'' because of its high-end , but when i dont have drums in the mix, or if it is much more of a stripped down mix, i will than base my mixing from the center and use other means of ''sonic sorting''.

What are some of your takes on this subject?


anonymous Fri, 05/21/2004 - 07:22

I'm not an old hand at this, but I do things pretty much in reverse from you. I do my first mix in mono, starting at the bottom and working my way up. I mix the drums around the overheads, but once the drums are in good balance to each other, I start adding the other instruments from the bass on up from there. Then when I get a decent mono mix, I spread everything out into the stereo ranges. The hi-hat to me is one of the easiest things to get right in the mix, so I leave that for last.

"to hell with the CD sales- download the MP3s and come to the shows!"

anonymous Fri, 05/21/2004 - 08:42

Hmmmm...I think we're missing the original point of the poster (Squaysh) here.
Yes, I have a dominant side. And it's just recently changed!
I have a slight hearing loss in my right ear. It's been like this for years, and yet my dominant side was right!. I'd pan the juicy acoustic to the right, etc.
Now I find myself doing the same thing on the left side!
Here's the weird thing: when I pan something to the middle and I put myself in the middle of the speakers (soundfield), or wear headphones, I sense it as being right in the middle. Seems my brain is compensating for my right ear.
I do, however, still pan the hat a little to the right. I always pan drums to the audience perspective.