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What would you suggest as the best sound editor for Linux?

I am fed up of Windows and am happy to use Linux for web and email but I need an audio editor. Currently I use CoolEdit Pro. I like its large host of features and ease of use.

I would still use Windows for Cubase SX 3 but I don't want to reboot in to windows every time I want to make a frequency sweep/white noise measurement or edit out something from an audio file.

I don't suppose audio programs will work in a windows emulator will they? How about ETF? I wouldn't have thought that was so time dependent on the audio output. Anyone tried it in Linux under an emulator?

Thnaks for the advice!

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Tenson Sun, 01/08/2006 - 17:20

Well that looks bloody good!

I'm sure in a year or two it will have all the features of every other multitrack software. I will have to give it a go. It does look more like a recorder than an editor though..

I know of Audacity but it isn’t really as good as CoolEdit. Suck it and see I suppose. Any other suggestions?


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