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well it's 23 votes on the poll "What DAW do you use" and Mac is close bhind on "What operating system used" 10 for Mac, 13 for PC. hmmm :D


audiokid Tue, 06/11/2002 - 10:51

hi guy, IMO I don't think we need to care who uses what for any other reason other than to learn and have fun discussing why a Mac or PC is used and what DAW you use. The intention of the Mac forum and this poll is to discuss options to draw our own conclusions. Glad to see the results on the poll coming in so well.

I find it interesting to see that there are actually a lot more Mac guys out there. Maybe this NEW Mac forum will grow.

questions: How do you make it happen on your mac , what DAW works best with your Mac, sequencing, crashes, CPU speed, can you do graphics, how's the editing etc?


anonymous Tue, 06/11/2002 - 13:37

Originally posted by jeronimo:
Well audiokid... this is not news to me. Everytime I went to take a look at the DAW forums, I notice that most of the users there, are PC users... why? Because they´re looking for troubleshooting their machines... that´s why...

and the DUC is all about how wonderful and problem free PT on macs are?
Get Real.
Whats the deal with you constantly slagging PC's?

anonymous Wed, 06/12/2002 - 04:14

Originally posted by Goes to 11:
and the DUC is all about how wonderful and problem free PT on macs are?
Get Real.
Whats the deal with you constantly slagging PC's?

I´m beign realistic... actually, very, very realistic. That´s why I´m slagging PC´s. I told that before and I repeat:
I used PCs for a looong time... my first PC was a 16Mhz XT w/ those green/black monitors... I don´t know how do you call the in uncle´s sam land... and I spent many many many hours of my life troubleshooting those machines...
And now, for about 2 years... I´m WORKING on a mac and it is more reliable, user friendly and creative (since you do not have to worry about fixing stuff). That´s all, if you don´t agree... it´s your problem... I´ll keep slaggin´ PC´s until I see things changing...
A few years back, here in Brazil (when I couldn´t find any apps for mac) I used to slagg Mac because of that. Now, I have access to all the apps I need, so I switched... and I´ve never, ever looked back.

SonOfSmawg Fri, 06/14/2002 - 09:12

...and while you're looking at those posts, be sure to notice how many problems people are having, trying to put a "good" peecee together!
"But you can build a much more powerful peecee together for an equal amount of money spent on a Mac."
But you also have to deal with all of the headaches of owning a peecee. Even after you have it up and running, initially, you will have all kinds of compatibility and conflict issues just about every time you install hardware or software. Peecees are also much more proned to viruses and worms.
One of the biggest headaches on a peecee is uninstalling programs ... and you peecee users know EXACTLY what I'm talking about, so don't try to "worm" out of it! (Hehe, I made a "funny")
Day-to-day usage is really the MOST important issue, and that's where the Mac shines. It's totally stable and reliable. I know that my Mac is going to fire-up every time I want to use it, and can expect no major headaches. The Mac OS is straightforward and logically laid-out, unlike the Windows clusterfuck. Any and all installations and uninstallations are easy, fast, and complete. With custom-configured, labeled extension sets, a Mac user can tailor his computer to run applications with razor precision, and switch between apps within a matter of minutes.
I've had both Mac and peecee for over two years, and Mac wins, hands-down.

anonymous Thu, 06/20/2002 - 09:24

SoS has had a bad experience in getting hardware and is now blameing the whole thing on PC's. Typical.
If you don't know what you are doing you will get in trouble. PC building is for hands on folks who understand the way PC's work... which you do not obviously.
The hardware 'conficts' come from a huge amount of hardware choices for PC's, that cannot be said for Macs. Although I have seen Macs have their share of hardware problems BTW. The DUC is full of them.
You keep floating falsehoods about PC's and Macs superiority and I am here to tell you that you are being BS!
That is why.


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