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Curious as to anyone's opinions or advice. Will be used mainly for recording vocals and acoustic guitar.

In the $300 range, I've been looking at:

AKG C3000B
Shure KSM27
SM Pro Audio MC03
Marshall MXLV69

In the $200 range, I've been looking at:

AKG C2000B
Studio Projects C1
MAudio Luna

Any help is very much appreciated!


anonymous Wed, 10/26/2005 - 15:23

this is going to sound ridiculous, but...

will they let me listen to different mics at music stores? i've never had to shop for condensers before, and i asked around and sort of got the idea that as long as i stick between $2-300, i should be ok no matter what. i just assumed i'd buy it online, but are there any store in particular you would recommend that would let me test condensers out?

i guess i'm between that AT4040 and KSM27...and maybe the ADK vienna?

i found the vienna for $250 on craigslist:


TheArchitect Wed, 10/26/2005 - 15:48

Depends on the store. In my case I was able to borrow mics on an overnight basis because of my longevity as a customer and honestly, the amount of coin I have dropped in that store.

Stores want to sell you something and will try to accomodate you where they can. This may mean hearing the mics through PA gear which probably won't be very informative. Many stores rent gear though so you may be able to rent one for a night to test it out.

There are differences between the mics you are looking at and you should test them out if you can. But, they are pretty much proven commodities and are pretty much on par with each other in my opinion so whatever you choose its a pretty safe bet you have neither left something on the table or gotten screwed.

anonymous Wed, 10/26/2005 - 18:57

Two so far unmentioned alternatives:

For a condenser, the AT 4033. Finding one in your price range isn't impossible. Check eBay. I got one of mine on there.

Another possibility: does it *have* to be a condenser? Check eBay for a Shure SM7 if you want a good vocal mic. I prefer a condenser on acoustic guitar, but on vocals, I often prefer the SM7. Jeff Tweedy, Michael Jackson, etc, all use it or have used it. Last night on CMT I saw footage of Waylon Jennings singing on one for a Highwaymen project shortly before his death.

It's not super cheap, either, but keep an eye out and you can get a deal.

Anyway, just my two sense...since...cents...

anonymous Fri, 10/28/2005 - 18:21

"All The Above" will work frankly. I however chose all Rode's for my closet. I use a NT1-A for female vocals, and bounce between the NT2-A and NT2000 for male vocals and acoustic guitar (Martin). I find that placement is easy and the results are undeniably superb. The main advantage for any Rode is their uncanny low self noise (about the lowest in the industry regardless of price). This really helps pick up the nuances and subtleties of the acoustic instrument while adding NO noise of it's own. They are nice and even in their frequency output with just the slightest bump where you want it (the upper mids). I really don't think they can be beat.
