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Hi Gang,
I learned this morning via facebook that a great friend died a few days ago. Richard Turcotte.
It's a big chock since I talked to him a few weeks ago and he seemed fine.
Going at 60 is so early. Evendo I'm 48 and still have both my parents alive, it just makes me think about my own departure and how we never know how long the distance is to get there...
Then I thing of you, RO members, my closest thing to friends, and I'm greatfull I can spend time exchanging with people with shared passion.

Here's the last project we did together :


KurtFoster Wed, 11/21/2018 - 17:09

have you posted his videos here before? i know i have seen him.

all things have two sides. while we all want to live as long as possible the down side is not everyone can have a long life and so if we are lucky enough to become a survivor it will be inevitable that friends and acquaintances we have made along the way will pass. i have lost almost all of my family as well as friends from childhood and recently my best friend in music in the past 15 years and i'm only 65. i only hope his passing was with minimal pain and stress and that his family and loved ones are ok. condolences Marco. i am sorry for your loss.

pcrecord Thu, 11/22/2018 - 06:15

Kurt Foster, post: 459776, member: 7836 wrote: have you posted his videos here before? i know i have seen him.

Yes, I might have posted some of his work in the past.

I lived so many places when I was young, I never had a lot of friends and lost many from distance and following different path.
Getting older, It's kinda harder to make closed friends.
It may go with the fact that I'm shy in life evendo I was exhuberant on stage !!

Thanks for the good words guys !