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Good evening all,

This is the first mix of The Minstrel and Marie. First full recording in the new studio. The 12 string acoustic was recorded with a pair of mics into the Focusrite octopre mk2 dynamic, vocals into PreSonus RC-500. All comments welcome including, give up, you're wasting your time, sell all your gear now :D.



Removed sound due to newer versions.


Tony Carpenter Sun, 03/27/2022 - 23:20

audiokid wrote:
I miss these days. I'm going to try and get mixing tracks like this happening again.

Hi Chris,

This just came to my inbox. And I had to come comment :). I miss it too. Having lived through covid so far I’ve gotten worse with concentration though. I manage playing every day, but I can’t handle recording worse than ever… 

audiokid Tue, 03/29/2022 - 10:14

Hi Tony, so sorry to hear more stories like this. (but really glad you chimed in! 😊 :) You are not alone. The mandates and overall last 2 years have been brutal/crazy. I hardly play my guitar anymore. Canada has gone from a loving Country to so divided and tyrannical. There isn't an hour that goes by where I don't think/worry about our freedom here in Canada.

It's hard to concentrate on much other than whats coming next... questions like should I move, stock up on food or what. I go in circles all day long. Crazy ...

I think mixing tracks like this would be healthy for us all.
