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I'm looking for a mic that travels well and isn't big. All-purpose- because I'm going to use it to record street preformers, it shouldn't pickup backround noise too easily. Any suggestions?


TeddyG Sat, 08/20/2005 - 17:48

What are you going to use to do the recording?

Strictly audio recording or video as well?

Mono or stereo?

Expensive or cheap mic or somewhere in between?

Will you be hand-holding the mic and "aiming" it at the performers, maybe from a distance, or will you take a stand and ask the performers to allow you to "place" the mic?

Can you/Do you want to accomodate more than one mic(Maybe for "ambience" recording on another channel, or micing more than one performer or instrument at the same time.)?

What will you do, ultimately, with the recordings? What will be the eventual "media"?



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