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I am new to this forum. I just got a new Yamaha 01v Digital mixer that I am trying to hook up to my PC for a direct recording to my hard drive instead of going to an external ADAT recorder. My question is how do I get the PC and Mixer to talk to one another and what would be the ideal card that I'll be needing for the mixer and the PC?
I am trying to use it with Nuendo 3
Thanx for the help



cfaalm Wed, 03/15/2006 - 13:35

Your 01v needs an [=",,CNTID%253D2291%2526CTID%253D229510%2526CNTYP%253DPRODUCT,00.html"]MY8AT[/]="http://www.yamaha.c…"]MY8AT[/] .
You will then need a soundcard that has ADAT connectivity. Lots of choices there, especially if you only have one ADAT i/o. A nice card would be an RME-card like the [[url=http://="http://www.rme-audi…"]DIGI96/8 PAD[/]="http://www.rme-audi…"]DIGI96/8 PAD[/]

This soundcard however is just a suggestion. Much depends on your additional/future needs.

anonymous Fri, 03/17/2006 - 11:06

With my 01V, I use the mentioned adat card in the mixer & the card in the pc is Frontier Designs Wavecenter. I am using Cubase SX3. I've been using this card for years & am suprised it is still on the market. This is all you'll need to record to your pc from the preamps & converters on the 01V. Now the trick is what do you do when you want to buy outboard preamps? Since you can't bypass the 01V preamps & there are no inserts you're kinda limited to either:

1) buy a nice preamp & nice converter
2) buy a preamp with built in dig out
3) buy a better preamp & output to your inputs on the 01v
4) live with your 01V onboard preamps


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